Chapter 29

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Sorry for the really late update! I've had a very busy week with assignments and had to prioritise most of it for uni work!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also, your theories are very interesting ;)

- Sian

Koda had buried himself under the duvet, building his very own cocoon. Even though his head had sunken into a big feather-packed pillow, he felt like the bed was violently spinning.

When he entered his house the day his mother died and found his father sitting on the floor with layers of tears clinging to his face, life as Koda knew it would never be the same. His mother's death- Koda thought- was going to be the worst thing he had ever dealt with. Now that he thought about the stresses from the morning, his mother's death seemed almost effortless to cope with and brush aside. At least his grief was natural. Being the Grim Reapers sidekick was not, and he couldn't debate whether he believed it or not without feeling sick.

"Koda?" Alfie's voice sounded muffled under the thick duvet. Koda wanted to poke his head into the open, but he didn't have the energy to move. He listened to Alfie's footsteps as they approached the bed. He felt the weight of someone climbing onto it before light seeped in through a little hole.

Alfie lifted the top of the duvet, revealing Koda's light brown hair. "Hello," he whispered. "Can you breathe under there?"

Koda looked up, wanting to smile at the sight of the medium. It was odd for him to feel so defeated, sad, tired, and confused, yet lifted and weightless when Alfie was paying attention to him. "Join me." Koda picked up more of the duvet and Alfie slotted himself in without hesitation.

Their bodies squished together when the light from the morning was once again blocked out. Alfie could barely see Koda in the darkness, but he could feel his breath against the side of his face. Koda's scent of honey and fresh washing made him want to steal all of his hoodies and wear them forever.

"Alfie, do you believe in the Grim Reaper?" Koda turned on his side, and Alfie felt his hand brush against his stomach.

"Yes. Connor had told me the same story about the Grim Reaper, so have other mediums. I've never met death and I probably never will. There is an understanding between mediums that souls are guided to us. They don't just turn up immediately after they die."

Koda listened to his voice, deep and smooth like he was running a silk scarf along his throat. "If you believe, should I?"

Alfie turned his head, now feeling Koda's breath on his lips. "What's your gut telling you?" Koda smiled, daring to shuffle his face close until the tip of his nose touched Alfie's nose. "I know this is all weird. It would be weird for me too if I weren't a medium." The heat on Alfie's cheeks pulsed to the rhythm of his heart. He wanted to kiss Koda as badly as he wanted to watch his eyes in the sunlight.

"My gut is telling me that I need food."

Alfie chuckled while Koda's hand smoothly moved up his stomach to Alfie's back, pulling their bodies together. "I can make you some toast or something? Or cereal? or-"

"My stomach can wait." Koda squished the medium into him and buried his head into Alfie's shoulder. He smelt like lavender and vanilla, and maybe even a little like peppermint tea.

Alfie's hand automatically moved to the back of Koda's head where he buried his fingers into his hair and closed his eyes. Koda was warm, and Alfie reflected on what he liked most about his classmate: his big body, addictive scent, calm nature, and his hands that wanted to touch him often. It was clear that Koda liked hugs. Alfie didn't usually tolerate them from anyone other than his parents, but Koda was an exceptional case.

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