Chapter 13

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"A... date?" Koda crossed his arms and tilted his head. Alfie was glaring at the floor like it had personally attacked him.

"I didn't mean to say that."

"Right." Koda could almost hear him cursing himself in his head. "So, you don't want it to be a date?" His blood pumped fast like it was fuelled by his adrenaline.

"I-" Alfie paused, inspecting Koda's face with narrowing eyes. "Do you want it to be a date?"

Koda would be lying to himself if he said he hadn't thought about Alfie non-stop since revealing that he was gay. It was stimulating and liberating to have a secret unleashed into the world. Also, he thought Alfie was very good looking with his unamused stare, cheeky grin, unusual eyes, and a unique personality. He was both blunt and loving, grumpy and entertained, emotional and private.

Alfie Willow was like a maze, always changing direction, making it harder and harder to find the core. Koda wanted to get to know him; he wanted to be familiar with his maze for a mind until he knew it like the back of his own hand.

"Do you?" Part of Koda wished he just said yes, but he wanted to hear it from the medium. It was evident that he liked him in some way. Always staring, always blushing, always losing his composure when he leaned closer, watching his mouth when he spoke.

As Alfie took a breath to say something, there was a gentle knock on the door. "What?" he sighed, and his father popped his head into the room. He eyed Koda for a brief moment but directed his words to his son.

"There's a guy here. He seems pretty distraught about the death of his wife."

Koda wondered how many people simply turned up at Alfie's house, demanding to speak to him.

"Can you tell him to make an appointment?"

"It's fine," Koda said while standing. "I should go anyway and see if my dad's home." He saw a flash of disappointment in Alfie's eyes. "I'll see you on Sunday though, for our date that's not a date," Koda chuckled, but Alfie's eyes flashed to his father who for a moment looked stunned. Koda bit his lip, scolding himself for being so careless. Alfie might not have told his parents about being gay, and if he had, they might not be comfortable with it. "I'm joking, obviously."

Alfie was scratching the back of his head, eyes carefully scoping out his father's reaction who nodded thoughtfully, though he still looked suspicious. "Anyway," Alfie said suddenly, "I'll walk you out."

Koda quickly followed. He could feel his dad's eyes following them down the hall until they turned the corner towards the front door. "I'm so sorry," he whispered as soon as they were out of earshot. "I didn't even think about whether you've told them or not."

"I haven't," Alfie said, though he didn't look phased. "But it's okay. I have to tell them eventually, right?"

"Are you telling them tonight?"

"Tonight?" Alfie scoffed, shaking his head and Koda noticed the hint of chestnut in his hair. He thought it was black. "I'll have to psych myself up for at least a week before I do."

"I'm sure they'll be fine with it," Koda said as reassuringly as he could.

"They probably will, but you can never be sure." Alfie looked down to his feet, and Koda spotted his socks with green cartoon ghosts standing out against the black.

"Is that what your ghosts look like?" he asked, and the medium chortled at such a thought.

"If they did, I would always have nightmares."

Koda chuckled and reached for his coat. He could feel Alfie's eyes on him, and not one part of him cared. He liked being noticed by another guy. "So, I'll see you on Sunday?" he asked, slipping on his damp shoes. He could hear the rain hammering against the ground. The wind sounded fierce.

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