Chapter 56

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"How did you know what my mother looked like?" Alfie asked, taking on the role of Koda Oaks.

Fran's eyes moved around the other women in the room. "If he needs to be room eighteen, I might as well tell him, right?"

Ursula shrugged.

"Tell me what?" Alfie's heart elevated.

"Maybe it's just best to show him?" Ursula suggested, turning to the quieter female who had watched everything through thoughtful eyes. "Go and ask what Ronnie's intentions are."

The shy female scurried to the lift, and the man in the mask and dark glasses grabbed Alfie's shoulder, leading him towards a solid white door on their left.

"What's in room eighteen?" Alfie asked and was ignored and led down another big corridor. This time, doors were symmetrical on either side with big numbers on the front. Alfie had just been in room 1, and he was walking past room 5 when they suddenly stopped.

"Salix, where are you taking him? He's supposed to only stay in room one!" A panicked voice said from room 5. Alfie looked in, and it was empty and white, just like the rest of them.

"The plan has changed," Fran sighed. "Ronnie's orders."

The man looked Alfie up and down, then shrugged and shut the door. Alfie was beyond confused. He had never been in a place so strange.

They kept moving until they reached room eighteen. Salix's hands on Alfie's shoulders were tight, and Alfie wondered why he had let the women think he was Koda when Salix knew he wasn't.

"Are you sure about this?" Fran asked. Alfie looked up to see her asking the man in the mask. Salix nodded and Fran pursed her lips. "Once he's in there, then what?"

Salix pushed Fran aside and reached for the handle. Alfie's heart thumped a little harder when Salix turned the handle and it clicked open. Carefully, he pushed the door wide and it creaked loudly. Those in the room looked up as Alfie's eyes darted to one specific spot.

In the middle of the room, there was a metal slab with a body lying on it, only covered by a mint green sheet. Wires poured from the bodies head, arms, hands, and legs, connecting to very confusing looking machinery that analysed the state of the body.

Alfie felt his legs wobble. Death was all around him, he could feel it thick in the air, though the chest of the body was rising and falling. Alfie knew it wasn't breathing on its own.

"Is that Koda? What the hell is he doing in here?" a voice gasped.

Alfie didn't even look in their direction. He could only stare at the face of the body. It was a face he had only seen through his mediumship, but he knew who she was. "Enya," he whispered.

* * * * *

"Here's how this is gonna go," Morlen said with a voice solid with authority. "You are going to listen to me, and you're going to do as I say." Koda crossed his arms and matched his father's frown. "You are my son and you are in danger, serious danger because of dangerous people. We can't barge into the college now and rescue Alfie because we'll likely get hurt, and they're probably expecting it."

"What if they're expecting us to think this, and they know nobody will be coming for Alfie if we think they're coming for us."

Morlen spent a moment trying to figure out what his son said. "Well, if they think that, this is the safest option for us." Morlen could see the panic in his son's eyes. Koda really did care for Alfie Willow. "We're not just leaving Alfie to get out of this situation by himself, we're going to come up with a new plan."

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