Chapter 34

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I just want to say a quick thank you for the kind and humorous comments. I make it my mission to read all of them. I might not reply to many, but I really appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts behind. Thank you!

- Sian

Alfie took advantage of Koda Oaks being so close to him and kissed him with the passion that leaked from his veins. Every fibre wanted Koda closer. Koda's body temperature was hot. Alfie could feel his warmth through the fabric of his t-shirt as their chests pressed together.

Their lips moved gently in time, tasting one another, finding the rhythm. For Alfie, kissing was a sensual art and if it was done on impulse with someone he liked, emotions that he rarely felt were provoked from the depth of his stone heart.

Koda's hands found their way to Alfie's head and they tangled in his almost black hair. Any troubles left his mind, replaced with how well Alfie satisfied his cravings for deep physical contact. Koda kissed him with a little more force, and when Alfie copied him, Koda relaxed and allowed his emotions to take the lead.

"When... is the... tab... over?" Alfie asked in between kissing.

"Few more minutes," Koda breathed and kissed Alfie as he smiled against him.

Their lips moved together once more, searching for the passion until it turned their brains to mush. Alfie's hands explored Koda's back, tracing over his shoulder blades and every muscle. He moved his hands down until he felt Koda's belt. Alfie rested his hands there when Koda roughly ran a hand through his hair. Alfie never thought he'd love that. He remembered when his mother forced brushes through it when he was little. Feeling Koda's fingers tugging on it was satisfying his burning desire, especially to have Koda as close as humanly possible.

Koda disconnected their lips and moved them along Alfie's jaw, kissing it until he reached his earlobe. Alfie scrunched his eyes when Koda softly nibbled the bottom of his ear. Nobody had ever done that before. Between the odd sensation, it was unusually thrilling to be kissed in a way he had never been kissed before.

Koda's lips moved down Alfie's neck, kissing keenly into his warm skin. Alfie pushed his neck against Koda's mouth. At some point in between their affection, their legs tangled together. Koda was heavy, but Alfie liked how he was reminded that Koda was big and strong and safe.

When Koda's mouth reached Alfie's collarbone, Alfie had to purse his lips to stop any sound from escaping.

Koda kissed harder along his clavicle when Alfie clenched fistfuls of his t-shirt. It pleased Koda to know that Alfie felt some form of desire for his kisses. He enjoyed reading Alfie's body language and knowing that they wanted the same thing.

Alfie shivered when one of Koda's hands moved from his hair to his side, squeezing him as if to make the lust rise to the surface. Their mouths found each other again and their kisses were deep and extraordinarily passionate.

Alfie was close to parting his lips so he could finally know what it was like to kiss with the involvement of tongues, but a loud squeak of a door forced their lips to jump away from each other.

Koda quickly turned to see his father frozen like a lion who was trying to hide from their prey.

"Jesus Christ," Morlen muttered and immediately evacuated, slamming the door behind him.

The boys stared at the closed door, refusing to move as the silence continued. Koda turned back to Alfie and collapsed on top of him, letting his face sink into Alfie's shoulder.

"He's gonna moan about that for weeks," Koda muffled against him.

"Let him," Alfie said. His head was still submerged within their intense making out. He couldn't get rid of the stupid grin on his face. "We were just kissing."

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