Chapter 30

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Again, another apology for updating really late! My next (and last) assignment before Christmas is due next Friday, so I have more time to write now! Sorry about the wait! I hope it was worth it! Thank you to all of those who are still following the story. I know how frustrating it can be to wait for updates!

- Sian

Alfie had to drag Koda to their teacher's office before he knelt on the ground and kissed her feet and begged for forgiveness.

"What if she suspends us?" Koda asked, nervously pulling on the collar of his t-shirt.

"Can you even get suspended from college? You're either here to learn, or you're not." Alfie hovered outside the door to Miss Pecan's office, wondering if they should enter. "Sit, and stop breathing funny."

Koda sat on a wooden chair next to their teacher's door that was decorated with gems and a few tiny crystals. "Alfie, I'm a teacher's pet, okay? I don't get into trouble. Mostly because my dad would kill me, but I behave. I'm not difficult-"

"I get it, you're a good boy," Alfie smirked, standing with his hands in his pockets. "Relax, I'll take the blame for whatever she yells at us for."

"What? No." Koda reached out and grabbed Alfie's sleeve. He tugged on it until Alfie was forced into the seat next to him. "I'll take my share of the blame. Thank you very much."

Alfie chuckled, listening to the distant chatter of students. "Alright, but remember that she feeds on fear."

Koda shook his head and crossed his arms, trying to suppress his amusement. "Well, I feed on souls. I think I win."

Alfie's breath didn't quite make it through his nose. He looked up at Koda so suddenly, a warm tingle from pulling a muscle in his neck shivered his left side. Alfie knew that Koda hadn't accepted being something as odd as the Grim Reaper's sidekick because there was no other proof than the dying flowers, Connor's word, and Alfie's creepy drawing. Koda was a man who needed hard evidence slapping him in the face to finally believe.

Before Alfie could respond, Miss pecan appeared with her irritating presence. "Inside boys," she said, opening the door and making her students enter first.

Koda edged around her, feeling Alfie close enough to press against his back. Miss Pecan's office was small with one large wooden desk in the middle, accompanied by a luxurious burgundy leather chair. The walls were decorated with art from her students, herself, or famous artists.

Koda planted himself on one of the two black leather seats in front of the desk. His heart was beating so hard; it was impossible to concentrate on anything else.

Miss Pecan slowly seated herself on the burgundy chair as if her bones were old. "Let's talk about yesterdays incident."

Alfie didn't look at Koda, but he could imagine the colour draining from his cheeks as if a vampire sucked all the blood from his body. "Koda wasn't feeling well," Alfie said with the most serious tone he could muster.

Miss Pecan stared without breaking the gaze, not even to blink. "Neither were the flowers."

Koda's entire stomach dropped, the way it did when on a roller coaster. He picked at his nails until the skin around them started to sting. "What?" he asked with a nervous chuckle.

"You know what." Their teacher sat back in her chair, keeping a straight back and strong jaw. Alfie could see the pulse in her neck, and her heart seemed to thump unusually fast.

"I'm not sure we do," Alfie said, keeping a straight face and holding onto his strong posture, crossing his arms, not one to back out of an intense staring match. Meanwhile, Koda looked everywhere but at his teacher. Koda was fine about sharing his strange life with Alfie because Alfie understood what it was like to be different. Exposing the insane part of Koda's life with regular people didn't sit well with him. Not yet.

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