Chapter 7

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- Sian

"What're you so giddy about?" Tom asked, pouring himself more soup.

"Nothing," Alfie said, looking at his watch even though he checked five minutes ago.

"Do you have a client? There's not one scheduled for tonight," Molly said, appreciating Tom's abilities to cook good food.


"Is it the boy from yesterday?"

Alfie nodded.

"So, do you know him?"

"Yes. He's in my art class."

"Who does he want to communicate with?" Tom asked.

"His mother."

"Poor kid. Did she die recently?"

"The week before last." Alfie rechecked his watch. It was 6:30 pm. He did say for Koda to come anytime after six, so he technically wasn't late. Still, it didn't do anything good to Alfie's nerves, knowing that his crush could knock on the door at any minute.

"Are you friends?" his dad asked.

"Not really. I don't think he knew I existed before last week."

Tom nodded. Not once in his son's life had he brought a friend home or a girlfriend. As far as he was aware, Alfie showed no interest in relationships of any kind.

"Oh, Alfie, your art teacher phoned earlier," his mother said, taking plates to the sink. "I have to go into college tomorrow to talk to her."

Alfie thought back through the last few college days. Miss pecan avoided him like he was a contagious disease. He worried that she was feeling guilty because she might be kicking him out of college. Alfie knew he deserved it. He wasn't a very interactive student and put minimal levels of care into his studies. "Did you tell her about my ghosty situation?"

"Yeah, and her reaction was very bland."

"Weird," Tom mumbled before the doorbell rang and his son dashed from the kitchen at an impressive speed, screeching that he would answer it.

Alfie hauled the door open to see a postwoman with a parcel for his father. He wanted to slam the door in her face, but it wasn't her fault.

"Thanks," he mumbled, but before he shut the door, from the corner of his eye, a familiar figure paced back and forth at the bottom of the driveway. Alfie pulled his sleeves down and wandered towards him.

Koda faced away from the house, thinking about leaving for the tenth time since he arrived. Then he thought about his mother and turned back around, almost walking into the short kid. "Jesus!" he breathed and placed a hand over his frightened heart.

"No, but close enough." Alfie crossed his arms and pretended like he wasn't bubbling with excitement. "How long have you been out here?"

"A while."

Alfie leaned against the fence. Koda wore a flannel shirt that fitted him very well. His eyes threatened to stare at his chest every time he looked up. "You can come in you know. I'll make you some tea, and we'll take our time. I don't want you to have a nervous breakdown on me. I'd panic with you."

Koda nodded and stopped himself from pacing. "It's just so weird, you know? All of this is just odd. What the hell am I doing here?"

Earlier, Koda was fine; now he was the definition of anxiety. Alfie knew it was the grief. Koda was usually very chilled and happy, not caring about the rush around him and living at his own pace, the opposite of the Koda standing in front of him.

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