Chapter 46

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"Thanks for dropping me off," Alfie said as Morlen pulled up outside his house. Koda had stayed behind to clean up. Morlen told him to stay because he wanted to ask Alfie questions in private. Not because he was his son's boyfriend, but because he was a medium.

"Wait a second," Morlen said when Alfie reached for the door handle. "Can I ask you something about Enya?"

Alfie turned. Morlen's subtle vulnerability forced him to wear his medium hat. "Of course."

"Why doesn't she want to talk to us? We have to find out who murdered her and by doing that, we need all the information we can get from her. Doesn't she want to solve it so she can move on?" Morlen paused, realising he answered his own questions. "She doesn't want to move on, does she?"

Alfie sighed and twisted the ring on his index finger. "I haven't been able to reach her. I can feel her when I'm around Koda but she blocks me from summoning her. I think you're right. I don't think she wants to move on. Either that or she doesn't want her family in any danger."

"Someone broke into our home and killed my wife. I'd say we've been in danger this entire time." Morlen's jaw clenched at the same time his fists did. His exposed sorrow turned to hot anger in no time at all.

Alfie started to feel uncomfortable. He was good at not showing it. "I can try to summon her by myself."

"I want to be there." Morlen crossed his arms, sitting up straighter. He eyed Alfie with a titled head. It was cute when Koda did it, but disturbing from Morlen.

"Okay. How about tomorrow?" Alfie suggested, moving his hand back towards the door handle.

"Fine." Morlen started to frown. "I don't want Koda to be there. He has too much to think about. He needs to grieve for Enya. Summoning her to ask about her murder won't help him."

Alfie started to frown too. "I can still tell him what we're doing though, right?"



"I said no. We're not telling him. Now get out it's getting late." Morlen put his hands on the steering wheel and stared at the road in front of him.

"I don't want to go behind his back."

"Alfie, he needs to get over his mother. There's nothing wrong with us figuring out how she died so she can move on. When she's ready to go, then we can involve Koda. But from now on, this needs to be between me and you. Got it?" Morlen seethed.

The harshness to Morlen's tone made Alfie agree, just so he could get out of the car. "Fine, but I don't like this idea." As soon as the door shut behind the medium, Morlen sped off down the street.

Alfie was left standing under a streetlight, drowning him in an orange glow. He didn't want to not include Koda when summoning his mother, but it did always upset Koda to the point where he could barely get himself out of bed. Maybe it was best for Alfie to leave it to himself and Morlen. Though deep down, Alfie knew it wasn't fair.

* * * * *

The next day at college when Alfie stepped through the exit, the strong wind made him stumble right into Koda. Thankfully, Koda always stuck himself to Alfie's side when they were in college. Koda felt a little protective of the medium because unwanted attention was always near.

"If you wanted a hug, you could've just asked," Koda swooned and put his arm around the medium. Everyone who was smaller than 5ft4 and lighter than 120 pounds was getting blown back a few steps when the wind hit them. "Are you getting picked up today?"

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