Chapter 68

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Alfie's mind was thrown billions of miles away, travelling faster than light. Those three words had caused an explosion of emotions and Alfie could barely concentrate as he was plunged into a different universe.

"Alfie," Koda said, and Alfie's mind came rushing back to his body in seconds, and he found himself sitting in his quiet and calm bedroom, staring directly at Koda, who now looked nervous. Alfie had accidentally aimed his intense stare directly at his boyfriend. "Did you hear me?"

Alfie didn't say or do anything. He barely seemed to be breathing.

Koda grinned and climbed to his feet. "Have I made Alfie Willow speechless?" he asked, stalking towards him despite adrenaline rushing through him a million miles a second. He told someone he loved them, and Koda meant it with every fibre of his being.

Alfie's words clogged his throat. He couldn't speak at all. He could only watch as Koda climbed on the bed and crawled over to him until their faces were centimetres apart.

"I said," Koda whispered, "I love you."

Those three words, they meant more to the medium than the world itself. Alfie suddenly grabbed Koda's face and kissed him strongly and deeply. When their hearts were so close, it felt like their souls touched.

"I love you too," Alfie mumbled against his lips, and Koda pushed their foreheads together.

"I never, ever, ever thought I'd be dating someone who could see ghosts."

"I never thought I'd date anyone who did the Grim Reaper's dirty work."

Koda pulled his head back with an oddly amused frown. "Hey now, I only clean up the Reaper's mess."

"Hm, I suppose." Alfie didn't bring attention to the fact that Koda was accepting his sidekick role. "Well, actually, I always hoped I'd date you, but your weird death vibe is a bonus."

Koda shook his head. "Would you get bored if I was just normal?"

"Of course not. Your face, when I talk to ghosts, will never get boring."

"Do I look like this?" Koda grabbed Alfie and spun him around, so he landed on his back in the middle of the bed. Koda pinned him to the duvet, squished him, but didn't give him the satisfaction of a kiss.

Alfie looked surprised and only realised that his brows had raised when he relaxed his face. "Yes, you look like that, but with a little more judgement."

"I'm not a sceptic anymore. Though, it is weird seeing you speak to someone I can't see. If it wasn't for my mum and all this Reaper stuff, I don't think anyone would've convinced me."

"Not even me knowing where your Granddad's necklace was or Dorinto moving stuff in my office?"

Koda shook his head. "I think I believed because I wanted to believe that my mum was really there."

Alfie played with Koda's hair, letting the soft colour of Koda's hazel eyes send him into a very tranquil state. "It's a tough thing to believe in unless you've been raised to believe in ghosts. Or you've had your own paranormal experience."

"I feel like I still have a lot to learn about your- our world."

"Trust me; even the best mediums never stop learning. Just wait until I get possessed again. You'll learn a lot from that."

Koda's eyes fixed on Alfie with sudden seriousness. "That actually happens to you?"

"Yeah because I'm careless sometimes."

Koda dropped his head on Alfie's shoulder, and Alfie felt how heavy he really was. "Conversations like this will take some getting used to."

"Yeah and letting me talk like this in public."

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