Chapter 10

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Thank you for making me smile every day with your awesome comments!

- Sian

A few days later, when Koda was eating breakfast, he noticed how clear his head felt. He no longer struggled to keep it up; it wasn't fogged, stuffy, or hard to focus. He knew it was because of Alfie. Koda never thought he'd say that a medium helped him with his grief, let alone getting support from Alfie Willow, the weird kid in his art class.

Thinking of the short kid, Koda was excited to see him again because he hadn't seen him since the night they summoned his mother. He liked his company because he was entertaining and didn't spend his time talking about people behind their backs. Alfie didn't care what people thought of him, and it was refreshing. He wished they had more lessons together.

"Dad! I'm going to college now!" Koda yelled, standing outside the door to his parent's bedroom. He heard some movement, but nobody came to greet him at the door.

Koda left feeling a little more heavy-hearted as he walked to the bus stop. His dad had been very different since his mother passed. He was getting drunk almost every night and seemed to forget that he even had a son. It was like Koda didn't exist and it hurt, especially when Koda needed him now more than ever.

* * * * *

Alfie was early again for his art class, and he even managed to bring everything he needed. Maybe he could lie and nag Koda to borrow his rubber or something. He hoped this was the start of turning over a new leaf. He really did enjoy learning about art and drawing. It was a way to pour his stress onto the page. He could zone out for hours and create works that were personal to him or fun to look at, or test his skills.

As he walked down the corridor, a group of students stood outside the class and waited for it to open. It wasn't just any group of people; it was Koda's friends.

Alfie mentally sighed and stood opposite, daring to glare at every one of them. They scowled back, and Alfie could see the girl who ruined his dove painting looking him up and down. Yes, he wore black things all the time. It was to blend into the background, his comfort shield, and what his style preferred. Occasionally he wore brown or grey, maybe even a bit of purple if he felt adventurous.

Most of the time, ripped black jeans, skater shoes, a band t-shirt, and a hoodie three sizes too big were good enough for him.

"See any ghosts today, freak?" she asked, and her friends erupted into laughter.

Alfie should've expected their unwanted attention after Koda openly talked to him. "Yes, your aunt. She's surprised that you act like a stuck-up brat." The girl stopped smiling immediately. Alfie knew he hit a nerve and he was glad. "What? Don't give what you can't take. Weak."

It felt like everyone around them turned to see her reaction. Some even smirked.

"Are you stalking me?" she asked, flipping hair over her shoulder. "How did you know my aunt was dead?"

"Wow," Alfie scoffed so loud, his throat hurt. Why did people think he was that weird? "Look at you, thinking people actually care about what you do outside of college."

One of Koda's friends struggled to hold back his laughter, earning him an elbow to the ribs.

"And you think people do about you? Just because you've brainwashed Koda into talking to you doesn't mean you can talk to people like your voice matters."

Alfie knew she struggled to think of something to say. "You're so dumb," he sighed. "Brainwashed? Really?"

"I see your parents have finally had enough of you. Well, your dad has anyway. He can't stand to be around you. Is that why he moved out?"

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