Chapter 3

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Koda stood up. His stool screeched against the tiles, and his eyes didn't stray from Alfie. "What did you just say to me?" he asked in a calm, yet furious tone. One that a parent would use when their kid had tested their patience.

Alfie fiddled with a ring on his index finger. The cold silver wasn't helping to calm his nervous sweat. "Y-Your mother. She wants to talk to you." Alfie wished with all his heart that he was normal. Most of the population didn't believe in mediums because a lot of people faked having 'the sight' for money. Koda's mother stood only metres away. He wished her son could see her too, so he would stop staring at Alfie like he was a life-sized slug.

Koda's face had gone blotchy from anger and the tears he was trying to hold back. He grabbed his bag, and a tear slipped out, rolling down his cheek without his control.

The tear broke Alfie's heart. He almost felt the pieces falling through his stomach. "Oh god. No, no you need to hear me out. I didn't mean to sound so insensitive-"

Koda stormed around him, rubbing his cheek dry. "Insensitive? My mother's death is a joke to you?" The pain in his voice pierced Alfie's skin like he threw himself into an icy lake.

"It's not! Wait Please!" He tried to run after him but Koda turned with such a horrible stare, Alfie held his breath and shrank against the desk.

"Don't ever talk to me again." Koda traced him up and down with disgust, then left.

Alfie stiffened and gripped his throat like it had been ripped out of him. The one person he never wanted to upset now hated him because Alfie didn't know how to think before he spoke. "I've never said this and meant it, but today I really hate myself." He turned to Koda's mother who remained in the same spot. "Thank you for ruining my life. Now leave."


"Get out of my head!" Alfie yelled and gripped the table with trembling hands.

When her apparition vanished, Alfie's art teacher stepped into the doorway. She looked very concerned. "Alfie, I think I need to talk to your parents."

"Oh shut up. This would never have happened if you didn't drag me here! I told you I had stuff to do!" Without thinking about what he said, Alfie grabbed his bag and ran out of the room.

He didn't look back until he was a safe distance away from the college. He wanted to cry, but what right did he have to be upset? He hurt Koda because as usual, he messed everything up.

When his mother answered the phone, Alfie could hardly contain his sadness. "Can you pick me up please?"

"Alfie? What's wrong?"

Her son paused, swallowing the lump in his throat. His mother always knew. "I've had a bad day," he whispered and closed his eyes. The air was moist. He would give anything for a breeze.

"Are you still at college?"


"I'm leaving now." His mother hung up and Alfie pictured her running to her car. She had always been a very protective woman. Alfie had to deal with a lot of bullying, primarily when he was younger and didn't know that seeing ghosts wasn't ordinary. Even with negativity aiming his way, he was proud of himself and used his gift to help people. Though sometimes, it felt like a curse.

When his mother arrived, the first thing she did was jump out of the car and hug her child. Molly held him tight, and they didn't have to speak to feel comforted.

"What happened?" She asked and eventually set him free.

"I messed up," Alfie mumbled. He didn't want to tell her about his crush. Not yet. "I told my art teacher Nikki to shut up."

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