Chapter 58

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Tom's hand stayed on Alfie's shoulder when he was told to take his son back to room 1 for further interrogations. Fran and Ursula followed, staring at Alfie as he walked, who pretended to be Koda, looking rather distraught from seeing his mother's body.

Ronnie followed too and told the women to lay off any physical contact with the subject and ask questions instead.

Alfie felt his father's grip soften after listening to Ronnie's words. Though Fran sighed with frustration and Alfie wondered if she'd stick to Ronnie's instructions. Alfie also wondered what his father would do if Fran hit him again, or if Tom could react. He was undercover after all.

"So, Koda," Ursula said and pushed him into the chair. Tom stood where he stood before, but Alfie didn't feel uncomfortable under his gaze. "If you don't bring the Reaper to us, you'll end up in the same state as your mother."

"You're not allowed to hurt me." Alfie crossed his arms, eyeing Fran who was staring at him with equal hatred, though she couldn't hide her specks of curiosity.

"Ronnie doesn't come down very often. It's not like he'd know," Ursula scoffed and stepped closer, smirking when Alfie tensed. "Summon the Grim Reaper, and we won't hurt you."

Alfie prepared his skin for contact. "I can't. I think it's-"

His words were slapped out of his mouth when Ursula punched him in the face. Alfie's head was thrown back until he faced the ceiling. He gripped the chair and pulled his head back down, feeling the familiar warmth of blood dripping from his nose, though usually, nosebleeds didn't throb his entire face.

He held his nostrils shut until a grey rag was dropped onto his knee. Alfie held it to his face and avoided looking in his father's reaction. He could feel the tension oozing from his energy. Tom was fighting to stop himself from ending the entire operation there and then.

"Are you going to hit me every time I give you answers you don't like?" Alfie asked through the cloth against his nose. The fabric quickly soaked up the blood and hid his curved mouth as Alfie battled to hide his pain.

"Yes," Fran said with one hand in the pocket of her white lab coat. "So, you should think about your answers more carefully. Now, summon the Reaper."

Alfie's eyes finally landed on his father. Through the sunglasses, Alfie could tell they made eye contact. "I can't summon them. They either come to me when it matters, or I don't see them at all."

"Them?" Ursula asked. The quiet woman sat at the back of the room, scribbling words down.

"The Reaper has no gender." Alfie was surprised when they were surprised. He thought they would know. They seemed to know about everything else.

"How do you know that?"

Alfie opened his mouth, then quickly closed it. He couldn't tell them about Connor. "A hunch." Alfie knew it was coming before he spoke, and he quickly dodged Fran's fist when it flew towards his face. She punched the air instead and Alfie pinned himself to the other side of the room.

"You can't beat it out of me," he said, not surprised when his dad didn't move out of Fran's way with arms folded firmly over his chest. Alfie could only imagine his scowl.

"Watch me." Fran stepped around Ronnie's bodyguard but didn't make a step closer to Alfie because Tom grabbed her shoulders and shoved her back.

"Ronnie said no," Tom muttered in a low voice.

"He speaks," Ursula grinned. "And if you're that bothered, go back to Ronnie's office, that way you can't see what's happening down here."

Tom didn't budge and Alfie was a little jealous of his height and big build. Even if Alfie stood as tall as he could, he wasn't threatening at all.

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