Chapter 23

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Alfie was about to distract Koda when he looked up too, wanting to know what the medium was staring at. The redness drained from Koda's face. He had seen the flowers only half an hour before, and they were fresh and vibrant in life and colour.

"The roses," he whispered, not moving because Alfie was sitting on top of him.

"Don't worry. I'm sure there's an explanation."

"Like what?" Koda, for the first time, looked scared. "Is this my fault?"

"The flowers? No, how could it be?"

Koda then sat up, but his arm stayed behind Alfie, so the medium sat on his lap instead of falling back. "They were dying at home; now they're dying here."

"That doesn't mean it was your fault." Alfie searched his eyes. "Should I phone Connor?"

They both turned to the wilted roses. The life had been sucked out of them at an unnatural rate, and Alfie wasn't going to admit it to Koda, but the darkness surrounded it like blood poisoning clear water.

"You should read the rest of my journal first."

A voice in the corner of the room surprised Alfie, so much that he jumped hard enough to make his brain jolt in his head. "Enya!" he breathed, hating that she could creep up on him. Koda eyed the corner of the room, but he saw nothing, as usual. "You know more than us. I think it's time you say something."

Enya stepped into the light of Alfie's room. The setting sun glowed against her washed out skin. "Read the journal."

Alfie shook his head and climbed off of Koda. They had just kissed, and he couldn't even freak out about how wonderful it felt to have Koda's mouth crushed against his own.

"You know what," Alfie said, feeling a little more frustrated than what he would like. He picked up the journal and threw it, watching it land with a heavy thud by Enya's feet. "You're really starting to annoy me. Just tell me what you found out. I don't want to read some crappy riddle stuff in your even worse handwriting. Koda thinks this is his fault. You know the answer to all of this so just tell us!"

Koda hadn't seen Alfie angry. He took a mental note never to get on his bad side.

"This journal documents the last month of my life before someone murdered me. You don't get to speak to me like it doesn't matter. Show some respect-"

"Respect?" Alfie shook his head. "I'm only helping you because I care about Koda. You were a horrible mother and probably a horrible wife. You don't deserve any of my attention." Alfie bit his tongue. Did he go too far?

Koda had shuffled to the end of the bed with crossed arms. His mouth smoothed into a thin line. Alfie glanced at him, almost wincing when he frowned.

"Mum," Koda sighed, agreeing with everything Alfie said, "just tell us the truth. Who murdered you, and what did you know that got you killed?" He suddenly looked exhausted.

Enya's started to pick at the ends of her long scraggly hair. Her brown eyes were getting darker by the second. "You're both in danger. They'll come for you, just like they came for me if you know too much. Call your other medium. I'm tired of being a voice in the dark."

Enya disappeared, and Alfie stopped clenching his fists. She drained his energy quicker than most ghosts. Her emotion was mostly pain, sadness, depression. Those ate Alfie's energy the quickest, and in greater quantities.

"She's gone," he said to Koda, rubbing his eyes. "I'm tired of this. Usually, I know what's happening because I can feel entity's and their bad energy. But this..." He stopped when two big hands rested on his shoulders. Alfie turned and was faced with Koda's chest. He craned his neck to meet his eyes. "I don't think I'm experienced enough."

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