Chapter 16

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Alfie was staring down at the menu when Koda leaned close enough for their arms to touch. They sat in a booth and naturally, they sat right next to each other instead of at opposite ends. "What are you getting to drink?" he asked, staring at Alfie's menu even though he had his own.

"Iced coffee. You're getting some too. You look like you need it."

"Thanks?" Koda sank down until his head was almost level with Alfie.

"Trust me, that was a compliment."

"If that was a compliment, your insults must be savage."

Alfie turned to look at him, surprised by how close their faces were. Koda, for a second, glanced at Alfie's mouth when he chuckled. "Just hope that you're never on my bad side to hear them."

Now it was Koda's turn to smile. It felt unnatural because his body was so full of exhaustion and the skin on his face seemed tight. "I can picture you mad. It's quite terrifying."

Alfie tried to stifle a laugh by biting his bottom lip and Koda stared at his mouth again. "I only really shout at ghosts."

Koda's head no longer felt like it was spinning when Alfie said things like that. "I bet some are quite annoying."

"Annoying is an understatement." Alfie flipped over the menu to look at food. Koda leaned even closer despite another menu still in his grip. Alfie dared to turn his head, getting a good look at his hazel eyes. Some specs were grey; some seemed green. When Koda turned to look at him too, some specs were beautiful honey.

"What do you want to eat?" Koda asked.

His voice was soft, and Alfie melted against him, also daring to feel his warmth. "Do you want to share something?"


After more staring and searching the menu like they couldn't read, they settled on sharing nachos and getting their caffeine filled drinks.

"I'm starting to feel better." Koda hadn't shuffled away and he didn't look uncomfortable, he looked more content than half an hour ago. "You're very good at distracting people."

"That's basically my job."

Koda tilted his head, and Alfie mentally slapped himself to stop his eyes from tracing down his body. He couldn't quite believe that he had gone out to lunch with his crush. The past few weeks had been like a crazy dream, so vivid that it felt real. He expected to wake up with the ache in his heart because it was all just a fantasy.

But it was genuine. Koda was sitting close enough for Alfie to easily hug him, sweep the brown hair from his eyes, or even kiss him. Just the thought made his lips tingle and his heart pulse with affection. The fact that Koda was sitting so close was giving the medium mixed emotions. They had resolved the fact that they were both gay and it was apparent to Koda that Alfie liked him, but it was also clear that Alfie couldn't detect attraction.

He wondered if Koda had really registered that, or if he was just naturally a passionate guy.

"So," Koda sat up and rested his arm on the booth behind him. Alfie's head was right next to his armpit, but he smelt nice, like spice and rosewood. "Are you feeling strong enough to summon my mum today?"

Alfie rolled his eyes. "You're worse than my dad," he sighed. "And yes, I'll be fine."

"I'm just checking," Koda chuckled when their drinks were placed on the table. The waiter eyed them like it was the first time he had seen two guys sit right next to each other, before speed walking away as if the booth was on fire.

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