Chapter 31

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"My mother's soul... you took it?" Koda asked, leaning against the shelves as if his legs were no longer strong enough to support him.

"I didn't take it; I guided it to Alfie." Connor's face was still blank. He was listening to any sound that indicated negative emotion.

"So, you're the Grim Reaper?" Alfie asked, feeling slightly stupid and betrayed.

Connor laughed with a shake of his head. "No, I'm another sidekick of death. Well, I was. Koda has replaced me."

Alfie couldn't decide whether he felt irritated from the lies, relieved from the truth, or stressed because he was making Koda miss more college. "Connor, why have you been lying to me- to us? You could have just told me that you were the sidekick, then all of this would have been a lot less stressful."

"I was under order's Alfie. The Grim Reaper likes to play games. Death has always taken a shine to you, and your strengths as a medium are beyond impressive." Connor stood straighter, moving his hand along the counter to find his cane. "The Grim Reaper has known about your mediumship since you were born, and death has known that Koda would be the next sidekick since he was born, which explains the crayon drawing on the wall. The Grim Reaper wanted you to be close when Koda was finally old enough to develop traits of a sidekick. You don't necessarily have to be a couple. Best friends are good enough, but a couple really knits together your strengths. The closer a medium and sidekick are, the better they perform in the supernatural realm."

"I need to sit down." Alfie motioned for a weary-looking Koda to follow him behind the counter. A small leather couch was placed against the back wall for days where the shop was quiet. Alfie sat down, and Koda sat at the other end. Koda was feeling particularly strange about the new information about him and Alfie. He wanted to feel independent for a moment.

Connor remained on his feet, but he followed the boys around the counter. "I wanted to tell you both about the flowers, but I must admit that all these years of being the Grim Reaper's sidekick, I too enjoy a little bit of secrecy. I know it's wrong, but I share my humanity between the world of the living and the dead. It's hard to stay in touch with what is acceptable as entertainment and what is not in this world sometimes."

Alfie resorted to a permanent frown. His blue eye had dimmed, and his brown one was so dark, the pupil wasn't detectable. "Apologise to Koda. You made him almost ill with worry. That wasn't fair to him to pretend like you had no idea what was wrong with him when he could have known from the start."

"I know it was cruel. I'm very sorry Koda. If I weren't under orders, I would have told you straight away. I owe you a favour, so let me know if there's anything I can do to make it up to you. I might have been the sidekick of death, but I'm still human, and I can admit when I'm wrong." Connor's voice was softer, but it never wavered or altered as he spoke. Connor was very sure of himself and what he was saying. Alfie always admired that about him.

"You can mentor him," Alfie said, sitting back and feeling the cool leather of the couch touching his neck. "Mentor Koda as you mentored me. I'm sure there's a lot for him to learn, and doing it by himself will be hard. That can be your favour, if it's what Koda wants?" Alfie turned to look at Koda sitting at the other side of the couch. His fingertips were pressed firmly together, and he didn't move, not even to look at Alfie in return.

"Okay," Koda said quietly. Judging by the lack of colour in his cheeks, Alfie guessed that if he tried to say more, he'd be sick.

"I can do that," Connor said, nodding. "It will give me a chance to rebuild your trust in me, Alfie Willow. I don't expect forgiveness anytime soon, but know that I had orders. Disobeying the Grim Reaper is not wise, as you could imagine."

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