Chapter 54

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Morlen re-entered the Willow's household, leaving Koda to sulk at the end of the driveway. Alfie was hovering in the corridor, and Morlen could only shrug. "Koda's not happy about this, and neither am I," Morlen said, checking if Molly or Connor were hovering too. "Koda won't let you go alone, and I bet Molly is biting her tongue too. Connor doesn't understand. He doesn't have kids. We'll think of something else." Morlen stomped back to the kitchen with Alfie's eyes following him.

Morlen had grown significantly since the day Alfie met him. The young medium opened the front door to see Koda staring angrily at the road. Nothing about their situation felt good, and Alfie had a horrible feeling that it would only get worse.

"Hey," he said, approaching the person he had crushed on for so many years. "What has the floor ever done to you?"

Koda turned his head away like he was trying to conceal his softening features. "You're not going to the college."

"Can we not consider the fact that it might work?" Alfie asked and Koda looked back at him. His hazel eyes were like gold coins against the rising sun.

"Might work," Koda added with a shake of his head. "There's more chance of us losing you if you do this. We haven't even given it much thought or summoned the ghosts that should stay with you. We haven't even tried to get in touch with the Grim Reaper or thought about what we're going to do if the Grim Reaper doesn't turn up. It's a plan that's destined to fail."

Alfie agreed with him. Nobody had thought about the plan in depth, and because it was the only plan they had, it seemed like the only option they had. "What else do you think we should do? Wait it out until Ronnie comes to my house?"

Koda stepped closer when Alfie shivered and wrapped arms around himself. "I don't think he'll come to your house."

"Well, I do. He won't give up just because we don't turn up to college, Koda. These are dangerous people who are capable of... of murder probably."

Koda's body stiffened and the muscles in his arms fused. "Then that's another reason why you're not doing this plan. I've only just gotten to know you. I can't sit back and watch another person walk out of my life."

Koda talked like Alfie might never return if he gave himself up to Ronnie Birch. Maybe he was right. "And I've waited far too long for you to be in mine." Alfie watched Koda step closer and fill the gap between them. Alfie's head rested softly against Koda's chest as he felt arms wrapping around him. "Whatever we decide to do, we have to do it soon." Alfie closed his eyes and hoped that Koda thought he was trembling because he was cold, and not because he was scared of what the future had in store for them.

Soon, the boys went inside and Koda returned to the kitchen to tell Connor that his plan was awful, and they needed another one. Alfie said he was going to get a shower and hurried off to his room. The medium shut the door to the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror.

"Pull yourself together," he muttered and focused on summoning Mister Dorinto. As he stared at himself, he saw a lot of his father in his features, and a lot of his mother too. He wondered if he had a mixture of his parent's personalities, and decided that he had his mother's stubborn attitude, and his father's ability to shove his feelings to a place he couldn't reach.

"Alfie, how's your love life?" Dorinto asked, grinning and leaning against the back wall.

"I'm not sure after what I'm about to do." Alfie turned, pressing his lower back against the sink. His stare was so intense, Dorinto found himself standing up straighter. "I need your help."

The ghost's eyes searched Alfie's face, spotting signs of vulnerability. "Of course. What do you need?" The afterlife had so far been a rather confusing place for Dorinto. He wouldn't have been able to deal with his death if Alfie hadn't helped him through it all.

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