Chapter 64

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Molly sat on the couch in her art studio. The strong paint chemicals added pressure to her headache. Molly knew she needed somewhere where she could relax. Her studio offered all the comfort an artist needed, but with Tom in it too, the delicate atmosphere was spoiled.

"Why did you break up with me?" Molly asked, cringing at the pain in her voice. The studio was too quiet. She couldn't hide her raw emotions.

"Because I was getting followed by the organisation that killed Enya, so I had to move out. I wanted to tell you everything, but it was too dangerous." Tom sat on the table in front of Molly, searching her eyes desperately as he spoke. "They would have killed you like they killed Enya."

"So, you'd rather we broke up than lose me forever?" Molly asked in an understanding sort of way. Of course, she knew the answer.

Tom nodded. "It was for Alfie's safety too." Tom looked away. Molly's lip had trembled since they entered the house. "I'm sorry. I didn't see another way. I knew Alfie would take matters into his own hands eventually, and I needed to be there to protect him."

Molly swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to keep herself together. "You could have told me. I wouldn't have told Alfie."

"Lying to you both is one issue but forcing you to lie to our son for me is not fair. I didn't want to put you in that kind of situation." Tom sighed and briefly closed his eyes. "I lied to you to protect you. I understand if you're upset, but what's done is done. At least you know the truth now, and we can either work towards forgiveness or get familiar with the lies. I can't change what's already been done. I am truly sorry that I lied, and I really wish things could go back to the way they were. I love you, Molly. I always have and I always will. It's up to you now to decide what you want and I'll be patient. I know stuff like this won't be sorted in a matter of days, but I'll wait for as long as it takes."

Molly bit the inside of her lip to stop herself from crying. She loved Tom too, but he had broken her heart and her trust. "Thank you for keeping Alfie and me safe. You put our marriage and life on the line for our son." Molly inhaled deeply, so she could look him in the eye without crumbling. "I need time, but I accept your apology. You did what you did out of love, even if it hurts. I understand."

Relief spread through Tom's face as he moved to sit next to Molly on the couch. Their arms wrapped around each other and they hugged. Their relationship was damaged, but that didn't mean it couldn't heal. A broken bone couldn't mend overnight, and neither could a broken heart.

* * * * *

Morlen's train of thought felt extremely far away. He barely noticed that he had pulled onto his street and was about to pass his house. He slammed on the breaks and clambered out, slamming the door behind him. Sitting in the kitchen of the Willows' household made him feel as lonely as ever. He had no friends to call, no wife to talk to, and a son that would most likely be freaked out if Morlen tried to have a deep conversation with him.

He stomped up the driveway and almost tripped on the step leading to his front door. As Morlen looked down to curse at the concrete, he hadn't tripped on the step, he had tripped on Connor. "What the hell are you doing?" Morlen grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Waiting for you. I have something important to discuss." Connor stood and turned towards the front door.

Morlen watched with rage as Connor let himself in and moved to the living room. "Can't it wait? I'm not in the mood to talk right now."

"If it could wait, I wouldn't be here." After finding the couch, Connor sat with his white cane securely in his grip.

"Spit it out then!" Morlen demanded after standing in silence.

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