|Chapter 1|

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The werewolf species was an interesting one but a deadly one. Something about them is what attracted humans in. Their primal nature, relying on pure instinct. The savage nature, and most of all to all the humans the sex that comes with them.

It seems everyone around me knew what sex with a werewolf was like. 'Well you would know what it was like with very simple words. Telling Dalton you want to have sex and we all know he'd do it.' I rolled my eyes at Satan completely throwing that idea out the window.

But werewolves sparked something inside a human. Sure vampires were dark and fae magik but a werewolf was primal. They didn't pretend to be something they weren't. All that clothing you saw was just a lie. Get them in their environment and they are just as savage and wild as a wolf would be.

'And it seems to be what attracts someone in.' I nodded at that. Dalton was sitting next to me in the forest his shirt loose revealing his chest. A notebook was in his hands as he attempted to draw a flower. "Don't make the petals so round." I told Dalton.

He looked up. "I am not an artist." Dalton said and I smiled. Dalton made the petals a bit more pointed. Leaning over I made them a flowy point and Dalton gave me this look. "Sorry." I said with a nervous smile. "Pressing flowers is more fun." Dalton said.

I laughed. "Want to press flowers then?" I asked in a teasing tone. "No." Dalton said and I smiled at him as he continued drawing before finishing it. "Sign your name at the bottom of it." I reminded Dalton. 'Can't have anyone stealing that, even though it isn't the best.'

'Give Dalton some credit he did the best he could. Drawing just isn't his specialty like it is mine.' Satan nodded at that. Dalton signed his name. His handwriting was very neat. With a slight curl at the end giving it the professional edge to it. It made me want him to sign my name of paper.

His handwriting was very neat, not too big not too small. My handwriting was about that size a tad bit better. Lyric was the one with tiny handwriting. Dalton gave me my sketchbook back and I wrote Dalton's drawing above the flower and smiled at him.

"Yeah art is not my thing." Dalton said and I nodded. 'Seems finding his hobby is a bit harder than expected.' I nodded at that. "Running seems to be your thing, in wolf form." I told Dalton. "That's not a hobby that's instinct." Dalton said and I nodded at that.

"What interests you?" I asked Dalton. "Honestly I have no idea." Dalton said and I bit my lip. "Want to learn to shoot a gun?" I asked Dalton taking out my pistol and holding it to him. "Really your going to let me touch that?" Dalton asked. "Sure." I said.

'I think he's surprised since your extremely territorial over your pistols. Like obsessively. I think you'd cut someone's hands off over that gun.' 'I trust Dalton.' Dalton stood up holding the gun and took the safety off. Aiming it he shot it before yelling and dropping it from the kickback.

I laughed. "Dalton! You aren't supposed to drop it!" I yelled still laughing. "No gun shooting, nope I'll use my teeth and claws, even that dagger." Dalton said and I nodded. Picking up my gun I put the safety back on before putting it away. 'So scratch off any sort of gun for sure.' I nodded at that.

I thought about another hobby for a moment. Then Dalton collecting my drawings and sketches came into mind and an idea lit up inside my head. And I got a real good feeling about this one. A real good feeling that he would enjoy it.

"How does scrapbooking sound?" I asked Dalton. Dalton looked over. "That actually might be something I'm interested in." Dalton said and I smiled at that. 'Seems you might have something forming. Just have to get all the things for it and then you'll be good to go for sure.' I nodded at that.

"If you have some money we can go buy some things and print out some pictures." I told Dalton who nodded at that. "Yeah I actually have some money saved up from the money my mom sends me. I got a wicked deal on food and things like that." Dalton said and I nodded.

'Looks like you got some things to go out and buy with Dalton.' 'Seems that I do.' "Come on Dalton we got some stores to hit up." I told him gathering our stuff and with that we were out of the woods and to his truck with Maryse following us.
We pulled into Jo-Anne's Fabric store and got out of the car. Putting on Maryse's service dog vest we headed in. "So what are we looking for?" Dalton asked. "Anything that will interest you in a scrapbook. It's fun, my mom use to do it all the time." I told Dalton.

'Yeah I remember you finding all those scrapbooks that she made. They're in a box of their own underneath your bed.' My mom use to have me draw stickers for it. My artistic abilities had always been present. I use to draw all sorts of things for her.

Dalton and I went to the art section and at that moment I knew scrapbooking was going to be his thing. His eyes lit up at all the things before him. I smiled as he selected out the book for it a plain black one. He put it in the cart we brought over.

Then came the stickers, the markers, the felt pens/markers; something I would totally steal and use when he wasn't looking, and pencils. You could see the excitement in his eyes. 'Seems like Dalton has now found his hobby. I have a feeling about this.' Dalton grabbed more than one scrapbook.

I walked next to him as he grabbed anything that he thought was important including letter stickers and I stood next to him with a smile. "There is so many things." Dalton said as he snatched down some nature stickers that included some wolf stickers.

"Enjoying the things?" I asked Dalton who quickly nodded. 'Yeah it is a definite one of his hobbies, that look of excitement in his eyes is so prominent. He looks so happy at the thought of doing the scrapbook. It's cute.' I nodded at it. Dalton grabbed some yarn and glitter as well.

"As soon as I get home I'm going to call my mom about getting a camera for this as well. I'm going to print out some photos as well." Dalton said and I nodded at that. "This seems like fun." Dalton said with a smile on his face and I nodded at that.

"If you want you can cut out some of the drawings and put it in as well. My mom use to do that." I told Dalton. And Dalton's eyes lit up even more at that thought. 'Yeah he is really excited about this whole scrapbooking thing. His eyes light up like Christmas lights for sure.'

I nodded at that. We continued through the store picking up things Dalton thought would be useful before finally we were at the cash register. Dalton piled all the things up for the casher with a smile on his face which made me happy at how happy he was.

Dalton got happy a lot when I was around. He always had that gentle easy going smile. But now he had that kid in a candy store type of smile. 'It's sort of cute in a way seeing Dalton, calm Dalton acting all kid like over some scrapbook items.' I nodded at that.

I gaped at the bill but Dalton paid it without hesitation with his card. "Come on we got some scrapbooking to start on once we get back to the dorm." Dalton said with excitement in his voice making me smile as he loaded everything up in his truck.

'Well looks like your about to get another hobby as well it seems.' 'Well as long as it keeps Dalton happy I'll do as much scrapbooking with him as he likes.' Satan smirked as we got up in the truck and Dalton started it up still jittery and excited making me shake my head at him.

"And to the dorm for some scrapbooking!"

1406. Welcome back everyone! And yes Dalton has a hobby now, scrapbooking. But I'm stoked for this book, the epilogue gives you a hint on what's going to happen. But stick around and you'll enjoy it. Until next time cute marshmallows.

 Until next time cute marshmallows

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