|Chapter 9|

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I was so groggy in sleep that Maryse didn't even have a vest on. And I hit the door on the way out and almost went into someone else's dorm. When passing Derik's dorm I knew that Dalton wasn't the only one up.

I could hear Lyric moaning and Derik grunting here and there. I shook my head while holding Maryse's collar. 'Nothing like sex in hours that you should be sleeping, Lilith and I do it all the time.' I shook my head as finally I arrived at Dalton's dorm and took out the key Nico gave me.

I unlocked the door before stepping in and shutting the door. All the lights were out and I went to Dalton's bedroom, he got lucky and didn't have to share a bedroom with anyone. I cracked it open to see Dalton on the bed shirtless.

The lamp was on a dim. 'And there your wolf waits for you to talk about his nightmare.' I shook my head before opening it and Dalton glanced up. He smiled a bit at me but his eyes said he was quite stressed. I shut the door before getting up on his bed as Maryse went under the bed.

Maryse had this weird fascination with sleeping under beds. 'Because kids are afraid of the monster under the bed. So she plays into that role by sleeping under the bed.' Dalton looed at me. "Sorry about waking you up." Dalton said and I nodded.

"You were there for me during a nightmare back in NYC." I told Dalton who smiled just a bit at that. "Consider it me paying you back for that." I told Dalton who nodded at that with a bit of a smile on my face as Dalton nodded at that.

'You know you don't typically need to pay people back for that as they will do it of their own free will.' Still felt like paying him back for it with his nightmare. It was only a fair thing to do considering the situation that we happened to be in as of right now.

"What was the nightmare about?" I asked. "It's a bit embarrassing." Dalton said his cheeks turning red. "You can tell me." I said. "You were in it." Dalton said. That was a bit shocking to know that I was in Dalton's nightmare. All I could do was nod at that it.

'Maybe you were being murdered in it? Maybe that's the nightmare and he wanted to make sure you were alive.' All I did was nod at Satan's conclusion to Dalton's nightmare. But I needed to ask Dalton about what I was doing in his nightmare. "What was I doing?" I asked.

"Seducing me." Dalton said. 'And that's a nightmare how?' "Are you a masochist?" I asked. "What? No I'm not a masochist. I just know you wouldn't be trying to seduce me and trying to have sex. And then you turned into that thing from the woods." Dalton said.

He shifted in the bed nervously at finally confronting on what was wrong. Concerning the nightmare while I knew what was really wrong. It was quite common in situations like this. He had been through a lot with me, and now it seemed to be taking a toll since it's making him question werewolves.

"Your just stressed and it's manifesting in your dreams." I told Dalton. 'Sort of like how yours go. Although I swear you dreamscape.' 'I don't control my dreams.' 'Seems like it at times.' I shake my head at Satan. He was so dramatic at times concerning certain things.

"Well at least you know I wouldn't seduce you." I said. "But I'm sorry about that, you want me to stay here for the night?" I asked. This was not something that I casually offered to people. Dalton should honestly consider himself lucky with this deal that I slept the night here with him to keep him company.

'It doesn't seem like you. Who are you and what did you do with Isabella?' 'I'm just being nice. . . don't get used to it, it doesn't apply to you.' Satan laughed at that. "Yeah that sounds nice." Dalton said as Maryse grumbled under the bed making me shake my head.

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