|Chapter 13|

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I sat on my bed counting the ammo shipment that had been delivered. After almost two years of college the dorm staff stopped caring about my big shipments from my 'family' sent me every few months in big boxes full of loud stuff.

'Well they sort of are like family. Victor is like a father figure to you.' 'That he is, a good father figure as well. . . but not my dad.' Satan nodded at that. I looked back at the silver bullet in my hand and twirled it before pushing it in the clip.

Then I filled up another clip with silver bullets. Instead of the wooden bullets with silver cores I ordered silver exploding bullets which explode inside and leak silver in the veins. Which kills a werewolf unless the antidote is there. Which of course I have in case one of the werewolves got in the way.

As well as hunting with Derik. 'No need for him to get in the crossfire and die because of one bullet somewhere that he could of survived.' Although Derik was more resistant to silver then most werewolves which happened to be quite useful to him in the long run.

Being around silver so much his body didn't react quite as violently. And Orchid also made the antidote for silver burns, an ointment and a rub. So Derik really didn't worry much about silver since we had cures for all of the silver cures that we had.

'Because we have more than ever before. So you know things have been looking up.' I nodded at that as I took another clip of ammo having finished the other one. Nothing better to do on this day then sitting around playing some stupid rage game like other people do with their lives.

If I played a rage game my expensive computer would be in ruins. Shot smashed tossed across the room in a spit of rage. I shook my head before going back to the ammo as I loaded clips up full of ammo before putting them back in the case.

Soon each clip was full of it's ammo capacity and I felt a bit better. 'Now you have all the ammo loaded and everything is going smoothly as of right now.' I nodded at that. Two days until the full moon. The thought of that left me excited in a weird way.

We would be hunting down some beast and then killing it and sending it back to it's maker. 'Have you been waiting to say that.' 'Yes, because it's maker isn't god, it's Lucian, so I feel better knowing that. . . sort of.' Minus the fact that Lucian could no doubt turn people into werewolves.

I didn't like that. That changed the whole playing game for sure. Soon I had everything done and was shoving the box in the trash before going to the kitchen to grab a snack. Then my phone rang and I went over to see who it was.

Ryne. So I picked up.

"Hey, you need anything?" "No just came to check in on you, college going fine?" 'Every now and then they like to check in on you to make sure things are going smoothly. And you aren't trying to kill the headmaster or anything like that.' I ignored Satan.

"Yeah things are going smoothly, Derik and I are going on a hunt on the full moon." Wasn't a lie. Derik and I were going on a hunt. . . along with the other werewolves against a possibly turned werewolf that was turned by Lucian no less.

But I didn't lie. 'Well you just left out some details, that eventually you'll have to tell them if it's real.' I nodded at that. Yeah eventually. But right now we were keeping it to ourselves before we freaked anyone out. Because if we did our luck it wouldn't be anything major.

So we were keeping it to ourselves until we knew. "Sounds like fun, be careful since it's no doubt a werewolf thing." I smiled. "It is, but I know Derik has my back." "Yeah, he's a good guy for sure, your lucky to have someone like him." I smiled at them.

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