|Chapter 11|

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Charcoal or regular lead pencil for the outline. My eyes drifted between the charcoal pencil and the lead pencil. It felt almost relieving to have a simple question like that. Whether to use charcoal or lead to outline my painting.

Finally I chose charcoal and went to outlining the painting. 'Charcoal seems to be your favorite thing to draw with.' 'I like how dark charcoal is and how well it works on canvas and anything else.' Satan smiled as I created the outline of a girl and her hair falling upon bare shoulders.

Then came the face and her eyes, cheeks, and lips before I put a fur over her head in the shape of a wolf. And then I made her nude with only her top half exposed and her arms wrapped around her chest. This was my specialty when it came to drawing.

Dark drawings, whether it be anime or real life, anything dark suited me. 'And finally the art class is going over dark drawings. You'll no doubt land yourself an A.' I smiled at that as soon the outline of the girl was there as I took out my acrylic paints just as Angel walked in.

"Lunch done?" I asked assuming that's what she was in here for. "No, but Dalton is here to see you." Angel said. "Oh, ok. You can send him in." I said squirting black paint onto the wooden board I had bought for my paints since my old one was so stained that there was no hope for it.

'Remember to rinse this one off with water to prevent all those stains.' And this time no soap would be used as that seems to mess it up. All of my brushes I washed with extreme care since I got that huge brush packet last Christmas.

I got a whole bunch of art supplies last Christmas that was put in my tote of art supplies, which I also got for Christmas. Not long after Dalton opened the door and came in before letting the door shut as I began giving the girl black streaks throughout her hair.

And then shaded in a very dark brown and was happy with the result. 'A coffee like hair color in a way, a very striking color that goes well with that wolf pelt.' I smiled at that. "What do you need Dalton?" I asked wondering if it was concerning the nightmare.

'Very sweet of you to spend time with him after his nightmare.' I nodded at that. "I came to talk to you actually." Dalton said and I nodded at that before patting my left side on the bed and Dalton came over and took a seat.

"What are you painting?" Dalton asked with interest. "A dark native American girl wearing a wolf pelt." I said and Dalton nodded. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked and Dalton nodded again. "So Andrew and I had a talk and he gave me a slap back to reality." Dalton said.

'Did he literally slap him? Wow, I never saw Andrew as one to slap Dalton.' 'Neither did I.' "Well he didn't exactly slap me, he just gave stern talking to." Dalton added. Now that made sense. "What did he talk to you about?" I asked Dalton still painting.

"Well my nightmare is more of directed at that thing. I don't like not knowing things like that. The hybrids were different as they're hybrids. But this thing is a werewolf, I know that. But I know nothing about that, so that's a kick in the gut." Dalton commented.

'A kick in my gut was being betrayed by a loyal comrade.' 'We all know Pexhar betrayed you.' 'Not him, when I was human, a man, a friend back stabbed me. . .  literally.' Sometimes I hated it when Satan talked of his human life as it seemed depressing.

"But that got to me, not knowing how to deal with it. Until Andrew pointed something out." Dalton said. "What did he point out?" I asked. Dalton really caught my attention now, I wanted to know what Andrew said to slap Dalton back to reality. Something that made Dalton think differently.

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