|Chapter 4|

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Times like this is where I wished college would end faster. Times when the professor thought he was better than everyone else in this god damn room because he was professor. But he wasn't honestly. Teaching things didn't make you superior to the learner.

Because the learner would go out and apply those skills why the teacher continued to teach. 'And doesn't gain any real life experience like the learner does. And this professor needs to back off peoples case before someone decides to show him.' And if he kept it up I was going to be the person to.

"Did you go to school for business?" The professor asked the girl that happened to be sitting next to me. "I do believe that this is the school for business." She responded and the professor gave her a heated glare for that comment making me smirk just a bit.

'Well what she says is true. We are taking classes for business in a school so you know we are going to school for business.' That was true. "Well I went to school to teach business." The professor said. "Well I plan to use my knowledge in the real world when I open my own bakery." She responded.

She had a smirk. "Which is why I'm taking baking classes as well." She responded making me turn away so the professor didn't see my smirk. "And you think that makes you better than me and more knowledgeable?" The professor asked.

'Well since he plans to do something with her life and not sit around and be a lazy person and teach adults and make of them.' And she repeated the same thing with a bit of a smirk. The professor looked beyond pissed. I could even smell it on him making me smirk just a bit.

The asshole deserved everything coming his way. "And you think that makes you smarter than me and more experienced?" The professor asked. "Well I will be owning my own business." The girl said and the professor glared at her.

"None of you have experience." The professor said backing up. "Your all here to learn under me, so do not act like your smarter than me." The professor said. 'Well we do know more than this asshole, man do professors get offended when they get corrected.' I nodded at that.

"And you don't even know if your business will flourish." The professor said. "My dad owns a bigtime business in technology along with nature and reservations, I'm taking over so I do believe I will flourish once he retires." I responded and the professor looked over at me taking his attention off of her.

"Your one of those rich boys aren't you, the ones who walk on money." The professor said. I held back a snarl. 'He's one of those assholes who can't take it when he was incorrect and has to be nasty to the student who corrects them and humiliates them.'

"I don't walk on money, I work hard for the things that I get. Along with the scholarship I got here. And yes I am a rich boy, but I don't walk on money. I just happened to be born into the right family." I responded in a bitter tone to the asshole professor.

I didn't care what people generally called me until they pulled that card. Calling me a spoiled rich kid who walks on steps made of money. I hated that. Because I wasn't spoiled. My mother made me work for the things that I wanted. The things I needed was different.

'But the things we want in life and don't need well she makes us work hard for that.' If the professor wanted to be all sorts of pissed off about me correcting him and things like that. Then he can be mad for all I care. He's only here to teach me.

He isn't here to try to make me feel guilty or to try to degrade me. You could see the professors missed off look. "Feel free to continue this, but do know I will take it to the headmaster." I told the professor with a smirk on my face.

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