|Chapter 6|

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The weather in New York was cold enough where running in my wolf skin was perfect. The cold air catching in my fur. The first layer the pushed the cold out but circled the warmth in and the second layer which held the cold.

'Perfect time of year. And the wind in your face is nice as well. My body is the ideal body.' I shook my head at Ash as our paws dug into the earth. The soil was becoming hard pact as winter neared prepared to unleash it's cold wrath on the earth once more.

Isabella had gotten back a day ago from going see her uncle Storm. He apparently was improving and was moving some of his fingers which was a good sign. The pack doctor said he was doing incredibly well since he had been in a coma for almost two years now.

'He said that he was just taking his time to wake up. That I might have something to do with him being a Lycan and an internal war going on inside.' Whatever it was Storm would eventually overcome it one day. Man and when he did we'd be in heaven then.

He could answer all our questions, Isabella told everyone that he could. It was high unlikely nearing impossible that he wouldn't have answers. A man didn't just change his name to his brother's wife's last name for the fun of it. It was his way of trying to lay low no doubt.

'Because Isabella is experiencing exactly what they were trying not to experience. Attracting all the enemies the immortals made. . .  along with the two immortal brothers.' Yeah. Isabella sure did get the shit end of the deal. And it came when we were finally getting comfortable.

Which sucked ass. Shaking my head I focused back on the run my paws slamming against the dirt as I gave my fur a shake. Then I continued to run shaking my fur once more as I continued to run. Running at full speed I continued enjoying being able to relax.

Relaxation was key in situations like this. 'You mean in situations where you are waiting for some wolf to rain down from heaven saying they are from Lucian and are here to test Isabella?' 'Yes.' Ash laughed just a bit as I slowed down to a looping pace with my tail up high.

I wasn't the only one running today. Nope the woods were widespread now and went out of New York City, 570 acres multi-owned by different packs who had pack members going to college. And my dad happened to own a chunk of the land. Although we all knew which werewolves were which.

'Because we were all introduced to each other, there is a total of 28 werewolves going to NYU. With nine from Black Crescent Moon. . . well sort of since Derik is under our protection.' Yeah my dad make that quite clear to the packs that Derik was under his protection.

And speaking of Derik I could smell him in wolf form out here. Every werewolf had a potent scent of their own, from natural scents to things they've been around. And Derik's scent you couldn't mistake for any werewolf in the entire world. Unless you were stupid. 'Or there is something going on.'

Derik smelt of the woods, wild berries and gun powder. Derik had the gun powder scent since he was a hunter. Along with a built up resistance to silver. Since he spent so much time around silver he was a bit more resistant to it then most werewolves.

While a silver bullet for most werewolves would make them weaker and a bit slower in attacking Derik walked right through it. 'Yeah Derik is defiantly someone I would not want to get into a gunfight with or a fight in general.' And it wasn't fear of him.

If I feared Derik; no matter what he said Aki would take advantage of it. And then there would be a bloodbath on hands with Isabella shooting people. Because Aki would have no problem taking my alpha position away from me if he could beat me in a fight.

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