|Chapter 21|

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The tile of the headquarters of The Organization shined so much it was annoying. Of course I would end up here on the day they were cleaning. And I felt so proud for the dirt I left on the floors. I was so fucking proud.

'And the custodian is looking at you like he wants to murder you.' 'He can try, I'll kick his ass all around this floor and stain it with his blood.' Yes violent. But right now I was on a mission to the library knowing they had to have something.

Sure I had tons of books on immortals back in Greenburg. I could drive there and retrieve them and read them. But my brain was a walking immortal receiver at this point. I knew so much information. But last time I checked Lucian wasn't an immortal and neither were those things.

'Well aren't you Captain Obvious today.' 'If you shut up you'd see why I am here.' They were werewolves. The only book I had on werewolves was my journal and that was all information I knew since I had been the one to write it. So that wasn't going to happen.

And the New York headquarters had the biggest library in the world. There were headquarters all around the world, but this had the biggest library. So they had to have something. Even an ancient journal would work at this point anything that worked. The Halloween party had me thinking.

I needed to get some information on these fuck heads. Something that they didn't know. 'Well that would be a good thing to do. Know your enemy before they get to know you.' That was a nice piece of advise. Sometimes I forgot that Satan gives really good advise if he's in a good mood.

I really doubt Lucian took the time to teach them about werewolf history. Sure he was cunning, but he wouldn't do that. He'd send them off to go test me. He was cunning, but impatient no doubt. Well that's at least what I had hoped, but there was no way he taught them.

'Your a bit impatient at times.' 'Yes, but I don't put present it much anymore. I try to dial it back.' Even if Lucian wasn't impatient I doubt he would. These things had no meaning to him. Zero meaning except for one purpose, and that was what they were created to do.

They were created to test me no doubt. So why teach them anything. If he was smart he'd know they weren't going to make it. So why waste his time on something he knows will die. The answer is that he wouldn't waste his time on that.

They had one purpose in life and that was to test me. Because apparently testing Isabella was the hottest thing since sliced bread. I'm not sure how it happened, but apparently it is trending with the supernatural. Fucking morons that they happen to be. They chose the wrong thing to mess with.

'Yeah you are defiantly not friendly to your enemies lately.' 'Well they piss me the fuck off so you know.' But now here I was at the headquarters heading to the library to go get some books. On werewolves. Nothing like spending my Saturday picking up werewolf books.

After this I'm pick up some wheat shells, chicken breasts, and cheese so I can go make el Prego make me some quesadillas. And of course Angel also mentioned she had been craving quesadillas, so two birds with one stone! So into the library I went and to the W section.

My eyes soaked in the huge section. 'That is a shit ton of books that you will be doing through to find some information to hold over their head and be ahead of them. Especially since they are ahead of you. Like way ahead. Another city ahead.' And Satan smirked with that.

Because what he said was badly true. They had decided to skip town and run off somewhere else. And Satan's humor was badly correct. And it pissed me off at the same time as it reminded me that we hadn't caught them on the full moon. It reminded me of that failure.

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