|Chapter 29|

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"Lucian Corbin, eldest of the Corbin's." I said with a bit of a smile as I finally held a book of meaning. I'm not sure how I missed it, but I did. But now it was in my hands and I had access.

'And it seems this access you are very excited about.' 'It is a family tree of the immortals and some basic information on them, it could mean a lot.' And I had found the family tree of the immortals and some information on them which had delighted me knowing this.

I now had a small advantage. Most people wouldn't see a family tree book as an advantage. I mean all it does is show who is in your family. But when you have a family like mine the family tree means a lot and can show a lot.

'It showed your Knight side and their. . . interesting past and now it's time to uncover the Corbin family history.' I smiled just a bit as I sat with the big leather book in my hands reading over the deep black ink and faded yellow pages that filled the refillable journal.

All it took was one glance to know this journal was ancient and had been passed down through the Corbin family. I doubt any of them saw it as an important journal to study up on. Just a journal with the family history, something they tried not to worry themselves with.

'A way to not attract attention to themselves no doubt, to stay under the radar.' Unfortunately I hadn't stayed under the radar. And now I was tasting the danger of being an immortal, but at a point like this. I didn't even care, because I lived for danger at this point.

Honestly I laughed at danger. My life was full of danger this was just a new form of danger that I hadn't been along for long. But now I was being around it quite much, but I didn't even care. I could handle it. I mean even if I couldn't I would force myself to handle it.

'Believing in yourself tends to go far and you tend to end there.' I looked back at the journal and the sketch of Lucian Corbin and I bit my lip. Everything was done in black ink and it sure wasn't as detailed as I liked mine. But it would due.

Lucian had long hair that was in a braid that reached his shoulders and hard eyes with high cheek bones. His hair was colored in black so it was either black or a brown color. His eyes held this intention in them that met his lips.

His lips were curled back in a smirk at knowing things that the sketcher didn't know obviously. There was one thing I could applaud him for. 'You don't typically applaud people, so I am interested on what he did to catch your attention.' It wasn't something normal people would look over. But I wasn't normal.

The artist caught the emotion in Lucian's eyes. It was a wicked intention, like he was planning to do something. Something told me this might of been done before the immortal massacre. I mean it would make perfect sense if it was. Very perfect sense.

He would of known of the immortal massacre. 'This journal is pretty interesting, can't wait to see what it holds.' Neither could I. It would defiantly be interesting on what this family journal held within the yellowed ancient pages soaked in ink that formed perfectly curly yet readable words. So with a smile I went to reading.

Lucian Moons Corbin.
The eldest of the Corbin's son, the strongest one and skilled in sword work. Married to a human. In line to be an immortal if the fight is won.
From my time with him, he is quite intelligent and tends to be steps ahead of his opponents. He likes to test the waters before he gets in. Has no problem using people lower than him to get what he desires. About 6'4. Very competitive with his younger brother Damien. Very protective of his wife, threatened to cut a man's penis off and give it to her if they touched her.

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