|Chapter 17|

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Each stroke of the pencil brought the paper closer to the goal. The drawing of the beast but on a cliff on the full moon. A demonstration of what the thing looked like without snapping a picture of it and it was the best I could do.

Removing the pencil I slid it over to Dalton's parents and my brothers who had Lucas with them. 'Now to see what they think of that picture and what that beast look likes.' It looked a lot like Enyr and Ryne's form. . . but more ferocious and mutated.

Danielle was quiet as she looked over it before handing it down as I sat next to Dalton who was silent walking his parents expression. "This is the thing?" Jackson asked and I nodded at that. Jackson sighed and ran a hand through his hair knowing it was alive.

"We can't shut down any schools, so keep an eye out for it. We'll send a pack of warriors and trackers into the woods to find them and bring an end to them." Jackson. 'Well they took it a lot better than I expected they would.' 'Well they have dealt with a lot of stuff by now.'

Satan nodded at that. "Be careful dad, these things aren't normal. They could be more deadly and I don't want the pack to get hurt fighting something that we don't know how to fight and get hurt or worse." Dalton said and Jackson nodded.

"We can go." Ryne offered. 'That does sound like a better idea, with them there to be able to show those things a taste of their own medicine.' That sounded like an excellent idea. Seeing their reactions to my brothers being there as well as their Lycan form that they had.

Something a lot more scary and ferocious. Something that they didn't want to mess with, but they had awoken it. Lucian wanted to send those things down here then be my guess. He wasn't going to like what was coming to him. He was too cowardly to confront me head on.

It seems a lot of people have that trait. 'They don't want to risk you being too strong for them. So they test your strength which eventually backfired and just pissed you off.' I nodded at that as the picture was slid back and Jackson stood up and got himself some tea.

Caesar and Summer were laying down next to each other with Summer curled up to Caesar. Maryse was sleeping in her dog bed thankful for not being bothered by any dogs. Summer had a nice white collar with yellow flower designs on it and Enyr had her new leather leash in his hand.

It turned out Summer was being a multipurpose dog. A service dog, and a hunter's dog since she turned out to have a really good nose. Personally I think Caesar had something to do with that since she saw him doing it so much. So she decided she wanted to do it.

'Seems a logical reason since Caesar is an alpha male dog for sure, and Summer was looking for that dominance in another dog.' And Caesar just happened to be it. I brushed some hair from my face as everyone got their drinks as Lucas went off to go use the bathroom.

"We'll have this handled, no matter how it's done it will be handled. If they are turned werewolves, they don't know much. So we can use that and manipulate their inexperience to the supernatural world and capture them and eliminate them immediately or get some information from then." Danielle said.

"You can get some information out of them first before you eliminate them." I said. Danielle nodded at that. 'Nothing like some good information out of them will do you some good. Seeing what they know about this situation before you go head in.' I nodded at that.

And then we could send them back to Lucian with a nice note. Well we couldn't send them back, but he would get the message. Because no doubt he'd feel if they died like a sire and their child. But that was vampires. But we were hoping that would work.

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