|Chapter 14|

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"And as you know Halloween is coming up once more. And I throw a party every year, way better than the NYU frats. As the former president I crushed their party rep. But this year I'm hosting yet another epic Halloween party!" Rory said announcing it to the student body.

"It'll be at this huge ancient mansion, haunted house themed, five dollars at the door which 50% of the profits go to the autism charity this year." Rory said. 'The whole charity thing seems to work to his advantage as even more people show up.'

Rory started the charity last year which was for service dogs to the poor. About two-hundred people got service dogs from that, which honestly is a 5 million dollar thing. Sure Rory didn't raise that but he helped the organization raise that money with the entrance fee and some of the buyable things.

'Rory has matured since he left the frat club, which that I will give him for sure.' The frat boys were in the corner moping as Rory stole the spotlight once again. Rory stole it constantly with ease since he left the frat club considering his rep.

Awesome party thrower and our parent's money did help with the parties. And they had put more in since the charity came up. Rory was now doing charity raisers at his party. 'And it seems people sure do like that as they go even more now to have the time of their life.'

The charity was autism this year because of Lyric no doubt. So Rory did that. I looked back at my pizza slices and went back to eating them as Rory explained the whole party idea he had. Rory quit the frat club for Love, but he still threw his parties.

'What can I say, he sure is a party animal.' 'Are you seriously trying to be funny.' 'In light of the situation that is approaching.' Tonight was the full moon. And we were hunting that thing down tonight. As far as I was concerned it better savor the breaths it took.

Because it would be the last ones if we got our way. That thing out there was deadly and it could hurt someone. So we had to end it before it decided to end someone else, a human would be our luck and then we'd have quite some shit on our hand.

This wasn't Greenburg where you could pass it off. 'I mean it could be passed off, but it would take lots of work and a lot of things would be awakened that don't need to be awakened.' I nodded at that. We were going to end this tonight no doubt.

No questions asked about it, this thing was going to die tonight. The likelihood of this thing surviving the night was slim to none at this point and I knew that. This thing was getting out of this situation alive as far as I was concerned.

Rory continued to talk about the party as I ate my pizza. 'This is going to be an interesting night no doubt considering what will be happening.' I nodded at that. Eventually Rory stopped and returned to Love's side as I finished up my pizza slice.

After lunch I had no more classes so I went outside and soon Isabella had joined me with Maryse. "You nervous about tonight?" Isabella asked looking over at me. I thought about it for a moment. Was I nervous about the hunt that would be going down tonight?

Yes. But I also had a good feeling about it. 'As well as the bad feeling. So only time will tell on how this will go.' I nodded at that. "A little, but hopefully it will go smooth. It's best to look at the good side of things." I said and Isabella nodded at that.

"I'm sure things will go smoothly, then we can go home and get a good snack to eat." Isabella said and I nodded at that. A snack did sound nice after defeating a beast. Seemed to be quite the day. Killing a beast and then going have a snack afterwards.

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