|Chapter 22|

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The books were interesting. I knew a lot about werewolves since I was in, but the books had some information. The legends of how werewolves came about, a few that I knew and some that I didn't know. All the information was useful.

And then I stumbled across one legend of the immortal werewolf. Lucian Corbin, the werewolf we were dealing with no doubt and his habit of turning humans into werewolves. 'And being a pain in our ass.' 'It seems the Corbin's have a good time doing, it just wait and Michael will join.'

Isabella's immortal family seemed a bit crazy. 'A little crazy is an understatement. The immortals seem to be insane.' I nodded at that. I tried to be nice. But what Ash said was true, her immortal family were pretty insane at times, bit I didn't judge Isabella on that.

Isabella wasn't her immortal family. Isabella was Isabella and was not defined by her families actions and she made that clear. Isabella was her own person and she presented it quite well. Especially since she was dating me, a werewolf. An alpha werewolf no less. But we were dating and that meant a lot.

She didn't care about following the whole stereotypes that everyone liked to categorize everyone with. Isabella was her own person. And they were going to find it out the hard way. Once we finished up our reading Angel handed us our quesadillas. And there was a bit of sauce in them as well.

'Isabella said it was quesadilla sauce. She is hellbent on finding the exact replica of the Taco Bell quesadilla sauce.' That she was. To my surprise the sauce actually tasted pretty similar. And I was quick to savor the quesadillas that Angel had made for me before Nico and I had to go back.

Nico had this happiness around him since Angel had announced she was pregnant. Sure it wasn't the best time to get pregnant, but wolves saw pregnancy different than most humans did. And it was the same thing for werewolves, it was much different.

Most human fathers tended to be terrified of pregnancies. 'Depending on the man depends on why they are afraid of pregnancies.' Some are afraid of the pregnancy hormones. The intense mood swings that pregnant human females tend to go through. Especially with the ones that need psych meds but can't take them when pregnant.

Of course every male werewolf knew of the pregnancy of a female werewolves tended to go through and the rough time. The sedatives that keep the wolf down. Most male werewolves whose mates were pregnant tended to baby their mate. What their mate wanted they tended to get.

No matter what it was. 'A male wolf would leap through fires and build mountains for their pregnant mate.' The bond intensified with a pregnant mate. The male became protective of both mate and child. Some male humans could feel like that, but not a lot. It was rare to come across a male like that

But some human males were afraid of pregnancy because it could mean being tied down. And human males weren't like werewolves males. A werewolf male with a mate craved that feeling of being with their mate for the rest of their days once the mark or love begins to form.

'While some human males are pigs and just stick their prick in any available female.' I nodded at that. But female werewolves were always thrilled with a pregnancy from their mate. And their mate always tended to be happy and have a sort of glow at their pup.

It wasn't like an intense glow, but they tended to be happy with the thought of their pup coming into the world. Although I couldn't blame that. Even without Isabella and I having done anything I would love to have my own pup one day to spoil rotten and take care of.

It was an instinct of a wolf therefore an instinct of a werewolf. To bond with a child of theirs, a pup. They loved bonding. Even I could feel the instinct, but it wasn't strong like most werewolves out there with their mates since Isabella and I's mate bond hadn't even been sealed.

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