|Chapter 19|

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No trace.

That was the text message I had received from Ryne. The text message that had royally pissed me off. As it meant those fuckers had skipped town. They had no doubt shifted, got in a car and were now laying in wait.

And the thought of that pissed me off. 'Of them being ahead of you. No worries no one likes that.' Satan's supportive words weren't what I needed today so I was thankful when he decided to leave me alone with my own thoughts to collect. He knew I was not in the mood.

So that was the last thing he said to me for today which I was bit thankful for. So I didn't break my iPhone I set it down and stood up moving my hair from my face. And I got up and took out a water and squeezed it before downing it.

And then the bottle was in the trash as I ran my hands through my hair. We had two loose mutated werewolves in the world. In New York to be exact. Not the best thing. Now we had to find them and manage college.

I swear Alana was the smart one with online college. Good thing this should be my last year in college as I went for a two year degree in art. It was more to perfect my skills and things like that. That's the only reason I was here at NYU.

Other than that I could of cared less about college. But now I had more important things at hand and that came in the form of loose werewolves created by Lucian. And now we had to hunt them down. I looked back at my phone as another text came in.

We are going to do another lap around and see if there are any cameras that have them on it.

I smiled at that knowing that they were bringing hunter equipment into this. These werewolves had no idea what was coming their way. Best option for them was to run back to Lucian.

Maybe that's what they were doing. If it was Lucian had a surprise coming his way when I showed up at his doorstep. He had no idea what was coming his way when I was done with his turned werewolves. They were deadly beasts with little to no control over themselves.

It might of been different if they had control. But they didn't and were a threat to people so they couldn't exist. They were a threat that needed to be eliminated. And it was nature to eliminate threats lately. They had picked the wrong time to come around, Lucian picked the wrong time.

And he was going to pay the price for it.
Angel came home with fast food that night which I was thankful for. It was Taco Bell and she smiled at me. 'She's been quite supportive to you lately seeing all the shit you've been going through and Nico as well.'

And she had come to terms with Nico being my 'protector' or what not. Not that I needed a protector. But Nico can do him. "Two chicken quesadilla's, sour cream on the side and cinnamon curls as well." Angel said with a smile on her face as she set the bag down.

"What's the occasion?" I asked watching her carefully. Sure she bought fast food, but rarely dessert. "Oh it's just for the lost of the trace." Angel said a bit nervously as she sat down. She took out her crunchy five box thing and I watched her as she ate it.

She even got herself some cinnamon curls as well. "Your hiding something." I said and Angel looked at me. "I'm not." Angel said looking away which was more than a hint. Being here with her let me know what was her lying cue. And she looked away when she lied and shifted around.

"Nothing bad happened right, everyone is safe?" I asked. "Yeah of course." Angel said and I nodded watching her carefully. "You sure everything is ok?" I asked trying to see if she was going to lie to me once more. And of course she did. "Yeah everything is fine." Angel said.

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