|Chapter 24|

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"When owning a business there is a lot of legal forms to go through. Whether it is a café, a groomers, or even a big corporation, there is much more to it then a business class can provide. In this sheet you will fill things out." The sub in professor said.

'The current professor is down with the flu, hopefully he'll be down for a bit. This professor has useful things to say.' "They have your information and what you plan to do with the business you are planning to open or go work for." The professor said.

It's a good thing my dad always got me used to his business. The professor started passing out the sheets while I got out my black pen as he set the sheet down in front of me. I looked at it and sucked in some breath.

'Seems like a pretty simple sheet, now we just have to gather up all the information.' Well it was better than constant quizzes and notetaking so I'd take it. So I looked back at the sheet and went to filling in the paper. Blank ink stained it as I wrote.

Business type: Electronic
Products: Security Systems
Name: Ashford's Systems Inc.
Income (If any): 1.5 M a year.
CEO: Jackson Ashford

That was the basis of it. It was all the information my father had father had given me. My dad's business dealt with security systems more than anything. . . with a bit of magik in it.

'Being a werewolf in a ruthless world like that comes in handy with all the access that you have.' And I gave last year's money income. Since there was about a million systems installed each year typically. But that was the information that I knew about the business.

I continued filling in anything extra before handing in the worksheet and sitting down and taking out my phone. I had a text message I opened it. Need to talk to you. Isabella. Isabella didn't have classes today. And then another one came through and I looked back at it. Meet me at El Paso.

It was a nice Mexican Restaurant. Somewhere that I wouldn't mind eating out at not at all. 'It will be nice, they have some good things there.' I nodded at that. And we didn't we didn't have that long left of class either which was a relief.

So I waited the rest of class patiently and it was a relief when the bell rang and I could leave. I was quick out to the truck and put my foot the pedal as I sped off to El Paso.

El Paso was a massive building done in the style of a old place. 'And it always has that spicy smell around it of Mexican food.' I nodded at that as I pulled into the parking lot next to Isabella's mustang before getting out and heading into the restaurant and my eyes shifted around.

The man at the cash register let me through as I joined Isabella at the table. She had two cups. Hers which had sweet tea and mine which had lemonade. "Took you long enough." Isabella said and I rolled my eyes as I sat down across from her and took a sip of my drink.

'You should get something food for lunch.' 'When do I not get something good for lunch, I never get bad food.' Ash shrugged at that. So I picked up the menu and went to reading it as did Isabella as she looked at me every now and then as a thing of tortilla chips and salsa was brought to us.

Along with some cups full of water. I stuck a chip in the spicy salsa before eating it as we looked over the menu. It didn't take me long to get an idea of what I wanted.

And then the waitress came back. "You ready to order?" She asked in her Hispanic accent and we nodded. "I'll take fish tacos. The meal one." I said and she nodded before writing it down on the pad she was holding before she looked at Isabella who folded the menu up.

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