|Chapter 18|

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One of the worst parts of life was waiting. Sitting there knowing that what you are waiting for is roaming out there. In front of you taunting you with open jaws full of gleaming taunting saliva dripping razor sharp teeth.

Double that for a werewolf. Our natural instinct is to chase, to hunt, to run, to mate, to protect. It's embedded into us like a wolf. And then there is the human instinct that laps with it creating something primal. Something glorified by most authors. We could be beautiful creatures at times.

'But then there is those other times, where the beautiful creature becomes savage and unleashed.' Running on all fours, smelling the air full of crisp and blooming nature. The sweet nectar of the flowers, the perfume of the rolling hills, the deep crisp of the bark, down to the blood of an animal rushing through a warm body.

It was instinct to chase our prey, to chase our competitors. To kill and devour the prey and to eliminate the threat---- out competition. Every wolf out there, regular wolf, they felt that instinct embedded deep in them. Impossible to breed out at this point.

It's amplified in a werewolf, a very powerful feeling. And then combine that with the human instincts. 'It's a hell of a ride, and then all the authors and readers feel stupid if they knew how hard it is to be a werewolf.' I bit my lip nodding at that.

Werewolves know a days in culture were glorified oversized wolves. I mean I was an oversized wolf, but we weren't naturally nice and friendly. Takes extreme practice. And all the sex fantasies got annoying at times. Sometimes we fit into those categories but not all the time. Which gets quite annoying after a bit.

'Because we are all seen as cute fluffy beasts who want to play fetch with a nearby stick like we're Rover the family dog.' But I could rant forever about werewolves and our wrong portrayal but I'm not going to. There were much more important things to do than rant.

But waiting for something that could hurt someone sucked. And today was the day that the small group of trackers, one scout, and warriors were sent into the woods to see if the things were still in town or if they had skipped it somewhere else after that encounter.

'For them the best thing would be to skip town and run back to Lucian and never come back. They won't like what is awaiting them, not one bit.' I nodded at that. What was waiting them was a harsh attack from werewolves that had no tolerance for fools who thought it was appropriate to mess around.

I'm sure Lucian was anything but a fool. You don't survive that long in a world like this, with brothers like Damien and Michael, and the immortal enemies breathing down your back by being a fool. We all hoped they would be fools and us the clever intelligent ones, but we weren't.

'Sure we weren't as dumb with Pexhar, but Pexhar has nothing on these guys honestly. Sure he was old and cunning, but these are different. Pexhar had Satan's protection. They didn't.' They were obviously very intelligent to survive so long not to mention no one knew about them.

A fool can't do that. So they were obviously very cunning and intelligent and I wasn't comfortable with that. Not the least bit. I didn't want to be in a situation were we aren't steps behind and them steps ahead of us ready to release the next wave.

'Just doesn't sit right after everything we've been through.' I nodded at that. Being here defenseless knowing they could be left alone unharmed out there. But I knew the pack had sent a group out to search for any trace of it and hunt the threat down and eliminate it.

But now there was waiting for them. For them to show up and give us the news. Did the find them or did they not? Were they alive or dead? Simple questions to some people. Maybe the questions of a fantasy game but to us they meant a lot. Like a lot.

They decided if our life was going to be normal for a small amount of time before having to go after Lucian. Or did we have to hunt them down and eliminate the threat ourselves. 'The pack will help us no doubt. I know they will.' They always did anyway.

So it would be no different for them to help today and it wouldn't hurt them anyway. Well someone might get hurt. But this was just as much their battle as it was our battle since they were trespassing on pack territory. It was only natural that they would help us with everything.

To keep the pack safe. 'Because that is a big priority along with keeping our mate and the humans safe as well.' Lots of people overlooked the humans, but we tried not to. They could be collateral damage at times and we honestly didn't need an uprising on our hands.

So we were going to try to hopefully have no deaths, but if there is not a lot of them. My eyes shifted back to the notes on my bed and I brought them up to me as I leaned back in the bed letting my eyes go over them.

With all of this happening I still had to do my schoolwork, that was a vital essential and needed to be done. 'No need to slack and then be cut back and have to do afterwards and get fucked over in the end of things.' I nodded at that. So we did it now.

No need to get ourselves in trouble. I took in all the information before setting the notebook aside and deciding I deserved a nap. After all of the things I had been doing today, a nap was something I deserved. I went and copied two chalkboard worth of notes.

'That is pretty simple, we do that quite often.' And now I am dealing with all this worry so I believe I could just take a nap. A short one, nothing too long. So with that I tucked my head into the pillow and let myself drift off into a nice well needed nap.
The small nap took a turn for hours as my body gave into the rest it desired. But the nap seemed short to me when Nico woke me up. I mean props to him for not being an asshole about like Andrew no doubt would of if he found me.

I loved my twin, to death at times, but Andrew could be a real asshole. 'And he admits it as well. Although he isn't really an asshole much to Orchid.' 'And then again Orchid is his mate so he wouldn't be an asshole to her. He's very loving to her.'

The most strongest alphas tended to bow down to their mate. It was just the work of the mate bond. Most mates did a lot for their mates. I would do a lot for Isabella when I thought about it. But back to Nico waking me up. Least he woke me up with a promise.

"Dalton dinner is done." Those four words jolted me awake. I was typically very grouchy to wake up, unless you mentioned food and then I was up like that. 'In a hunt for the delicious food, typical wolf.' I shook my head at Ash as I looked at Nico.

"What's for dinner?" I asked. "I made parmesan crusted pork and white cheddar shell noodles along with mashed potatoes." Nico said and I nodded at that. 'Sounds like a good meal, and something delicious as well.' I nodded at that. I followed Nico out of my room and into the kitchen.

"Enjoy your nap sleeping beauty?" Andrew asked with a bit of a smirk and in response I gave him the finger not even the mood. Andrew laughed at that as I got my food and sat down across from him and began to eat while Andrew asked me with a bit of a smirk.

"Andrew be nice." Orchid said swatting at his arm and Andrew frowned. "I don't want to be nice." Andrew said. "Oh well, be nice." Orchid said and Andrew turned towards her with a smirk. "What do I get in return?" Andrew asked with a smirk.

'I don't even want to know what he wants for that.' 'Oh but we know what he wants, what every male species wants from woman.' "Me not hexing you." Orchid said taking a bite of her mashed potatoes and I bit back a laugh and Andrew playfully glared at her.

"Fine." Andrew said and then he smirked. And he kissed her quickly before scooting away out of smacking reach as Orchid went to playfully smack him for that. And with that my mind was taken off of the situation as I watched my brother hide from his fuming witch mate with a devilish smirk, living a normal life---- somewhat.

1499. I bring this to you at midnight. I had an anxiety attack today. My dad took me to a trunk or treat at his church (He started going after the car accident, and I'm not religious. Sorry Satan) and we went with my friend Fox and my mom. Fox brought her service dogs Max (poodle) and Hope (Rottweiler) and I got overwhelmed. Max helped as did Hope, but my service pup was the one I needed. And she helped me once I got inside to her. She's not going places since she needs a bit more leash training. I'm being Daenerys Targaryen for Halloween! Until next time satanic marshmallows.

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