|Chapter 31|

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Storm was an interesting character for sure, that I could not deny. He was so determined that I was not Isabella you'd think he had a grudge against me. He was so dead set on that I was not Isabella it was interesting.

It made me wonder on why he thought about that. Before I never really gave it though. 'Because before it was never really important to anything you were doing. When it becomes important the memories become vivid and you begin to see how many signs that you missed that were so clear.'

I nodded at that. It had become obvious how many signs I had missed. Biting my lip I began thinking a bit more. Crystal clear; it was crystal clear that we had missed a lot of signs that under normal circumstances we wouldn't of missed, but we did have a psycho hellhound breathing down our back.

'But now it's a bit more obvious on those signs that had been missed.' Storm knew something that we had not. He no doubt knew about our Corbin name. I mean he took my mother's name for Christ sake, Storm Knight after my father married my mom.

It was a bit weird. But no one had questioned it. . . more of no one was really around to question it other than my mother. And my mother was always a polite woman and loved my father very dearly. She never questioned him much when it came to him.

'And it seems that it is now coming take a shot at you for her blind faith in him.' My mother was strong. She was an exceptional hunter with a kill list of many rogues and Forsaken like mine. As well as many missions in protecting important people and things like that.

My mother was a powerful woman for sure and that I knew well. But love could make you blind at times. And my mother loved my father very dearly and rarely questioned him. Sometimes blind faith was the best, but at the same time your downfall.

'But at least she wasn't a criminal or anything. Only a woman who loved a descendant of the immortals.' And my father was obviously desperate to escape the chains of the Corbin name. To the point that he took my mother's name instead of the other way around with her taking Corbin.

And I began to wonder if my mother knew of that and just kept it a secret. My father cared a lot for my uncle, enough to let him take my mothers name and get rid of the Corbin name. Some might see it as brotherly love, but it was much more than that.

'Very few people would understand the meaning behind him taking the Knight name.' Sure the Knight name was an ancient family of hunters. Most would be proud to bear that name, I was, of course I had the Corbin in it as well now. I bit my lip.

Storm took the name not because he wanted the pride of being a Knight. No he could careless about the pride that comes with the name. The heritage of the Knight name. All of the story behind the Knight name. He could careless about that, there was only one thing he cared about the name for.

And that was the safety that it brought. Sure the Knights had a lot of enemies but not nearly as much as the Corbin's had. The Corbin's wee neck deep in enemies with practically everyone hating them at this point. They trusted very few people.

But I had been a Knight first. 'So you can trust other people, mostly the wolf pack since they have no ill intentions. Your friends are unlikely to betray you.' I bit my lip. And if they did. . . there was hell to pay for that. Mark my words on that.

But Storm. . . he took the Knight name to keep the enemies of the Corbin's away from him and his brother. Something none of us had seen until now when it was upon us. And now it was obvious on why he had changed his name to Corbin.

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