|Chapter 5|

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"You know for someone who told me that I wasn't myself and was posing, I seem to care about you." I said to Storm. His eyes were shut as he stayed in his coma. They had changed his clothes to a loose pair of sweatpants.

His shirt was still off. He had lost weight while in his coma. But his body did require a lot. Which is why they had three IVs in him to give him all of the nutrients he needed. Thankfully he wasn't skeletal. His red hair covered his face.

'He looks peaceful like this, something I have never seen on him.' 'Well he is in a coma and can't move or do anything.' I always wondered what a coma was like. But I had no desire to find out what it was like. My luck I would be in it as long as Storm.

I looked back at all the monitors. His heartbeat was normal and his brain activity normal as well. 'Least he has brain activity and isn't brain dead.' I nodded at that. Maryse laid at my side as I drummed my fingers on my leg and looked back at him.

I didn't have classes today and had a day to myself. And I decided I would spend it visiting one of my only other living relatives besides Enyr and Ryne. Well minus the homicidal immortal brothers that are lurking somewhere. But that's a whole different story to be told.

'Least you get peace and quiet and don't have to deal with anything. Which is nice.' I nodded at that. So here I was with my uncle Storm. In Greenburg no less. Least Storm was no longer in the human hospital and was transferred somewhere else so I didn't have to deal with the human staff.

Storm was transported to Black Crescent Moon's infirmary. It was a nice place. Wasn't a hospital but it had everything that they needed. And was equipped with remedies that no human hospital could ever get. For numerous reasons as well with all of the things that they have.

'Tends to happen when you are supernatural, you get all of that good stuff for healing.' I nodded at that. They had all the pastes and remedies that Orchid and some of her coven made. Well most of the supernatural had that since the peace treaties and alliances started being formed.

And the witches were enhancing their skill now that they got along with the Unseelie since the little Vardock situation. They shared their techniques with each other. But only the Unseelie, the Seelie were just as prideful and refused to lower themselves to witches as they saw them as inferior.

'That they cheat off them and all of that other bullshit and things like that.' Sure some witches came from fae teaching them but not all. 'There are literal witches who think they are powerful because they made a deal with a demon.' Those are the witches that I thought were stupid and had pity for them.

A demon didn't just give you anything because they were feeling generous. They would always want something in return. Like Satan, I may be his vessel but I could see through him. 'What do you mean by that? I'm a good demon.' I shook my head at that.

Sure I trusted Satan and everything but he still was a demon. 'Well I kept the werewolf venom out of you and prevented you from becoming a Lycan.' I nodded at that. I never really thought about that. Enyr and Ryne were Lycans from a werewolf biting them.

It wasn't any news that a werewolf can't be turned. It wasn't a disease. It was hereditary and you had to be born with it. But they did have that agent in their salvia that can attempt to turn. But it kills the human most cases. Very few can fight it off.

And the ones who can fight it off don't become werewolves. No they become very scarred. And it's rare enough for that agent in their salvia to even be active. 'It's just a fluke of nature when that agent becomes active. And your brothers and you happened to be the unlucky ones.'

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