|Chapter 32|

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Their black eyes were full of sadism and vengeance. Storm was calmly breathing as Isabella pulled her gun out and fired the first shot as they ducked. And then came the shifting which was one of the most hideous things I had seen.

Their bones twisted and morphed pushing through their skin making blood rise. Fur burst through bleeding red as course brown fur covered their body. Their limbs stretched upwards and clothes popped seams. Their paws-feet broke their shoes as the man and woman shredded their clothes as they shifted into their forms.

Jaws full of bubbling salvia as they bared teeth. Instinct came over before I was in shifted form as well my black fur on end as I snarled at them and the male launched forward and I followed. We threw ourselves at each other in a fury of fangs and claws.

His claws raked into my fur bleeding me as I tore chunks of his skin out. And the female came in. Just as she launched Maryse came out and threw herself at him crashing her into numerous beds as she grabbed her leg and began shaking with a vicious intention.

Isabella took cover behind a bed as the female kicked Maryse off and lunged at Isabella who ducked and shot the female in the belly making her yelp and both of us look. The male foamed at the mouth in anger as the female stood up and tore the steaming bullet out.

With teeth bared she lunged back at Isabella who ducked as I went after her next grabbing the messed up tail and sinking my teeth in. She yelped and swung long vicious claws at me which I managed to duck before I bit down until I felt no more.

And then I came back with her tail as she howled in agony and ran to the male. The one whom I assumed was her mate. I was quick to help Isabella up and then snap at the two mutated werewolves as they readied themselves as Maryse darted off to make sure everyone else was fine.

All she needed was that look from Isabella that she would be ok and then he was off like a bullet. I wanted vengeance more so than those pathetic mutated werewolves. What did they even want vengeance for in the first place? Well we did try to kill them.

But they were dangerous and had to be put down. Isabella was out for vengeance for a different reason. They had planned to pull the plug on Storm and open that can of ass whooping given right by Isabella herself. It wasn't our fault that they wanted to do that.

They chose to do it and now they rea their choices. The male licked some blood from his lips as my lips curled up in a grown. He was larger than me for sure, but I knew my body way better than he did. As well of being a werewolf longer.

And having a wolf. I could feel Ash inside me influencing my actions but remaining deathly silent to not distract me. This was a fight that we just couldn't fail to lose in or make any mistakes. They were beasts that needed to be put down above everything else.

And if we failed, Storm may be in danger as well. Storm was Isabella's last living relative next to her brothers, and I refused to let her lose him. And he was the only one who knew anything about the Corbin family. And we needed that information desperately, more than anything.

And he was no use dead. The only other ones who knew anything about the Corbin family was Damien and Lucian, and we weren't going to them. Storm was going to wake up, I just had a really good feeling that he was going to wake up and help us with this immortal. . . situation.

And he couldn't do that if those two mutated werewolves killed him, which is why he wasn't going to die. We needed him, and he was Isabella's family. Those two werewolves would not be taking his life support off or spilling his blood on this day.

Or any other day.

There was only going to be their blood split. It would cover these floors if they fought. Vengeance powered me just as much as Isabella did while looking at them. With their smug looks and dripping canines I felt the need to sink my teeth into them.

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