|Chapter 15|

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When we arrived at the forest it was around 7:30. We stayed in the camouflaged car, the ones that were human or had weapons with the doors open. Well the front ones. Lyric was in the back next to Orchid. The wolves were in wolf form.

'Now you await for the beast to appear or for one of the wolves to catch it's scent.' Seven was when the moon started it's effect. And twelve was when it was at it's most powerful stage of the night. So we had quite a bit to be waiting for this thing.

But it would be worth it. Derik sat next to me on the drivers side cleaning his shotgun as his OCD came out once more. This car was going to be clean, like very clean and organized if this thing didn't show up within two hours. Derik was a bit obsessive when it came to cleaning.

'Works to your advantage at time, I mean you and Lucas use to shove him in the back to organize him.' I smirked at that. We did do that. It was quite the entertaining thing to watch Derik go through all the weapons and clean them.

Derik had really bad OCD, he made mine look good. So we would no doubt have a clean car if this stupid thing decided to show up late. I looked at my gun and counted my bullets in the clip. Twelve. So I had ninety-six bullets if I did my math correctly.

About that. 'Well you defiantly have enough bullets to deal with this bastard as well as Derik's shells and the werewolves.' We came loaded. When you thought about it we were always loaded. I always had at least two clips for my  pistol.

Dalton sat in front of me in wolf form blending in with the night. His bright blue eyes gazed off into the forest as he was poised alert and ready to strike. Reaching down I placed my hand on his head to pet him. Dalton looked at me at that.

'You seem to like him a lot more in this form.' 'He's just a cute fluffy wolf that I want to squeeze his cheeks.' 'Your really lucky your his girlfriend and he likes you.' I knew that. I don't think Ash would appreciate other people pulling on his cheeks, not that I did that a lot.

That was more of Lyric's thing. Derik had the patience of a saint with her as did Aki. Moody Aki, who enjoyed being mischievous as well. He was just very patient around Lyric and let her get away with everything she wanted. 'Which is cute in it's own way.'

Lyric could squeeze his cheeks, hang off of him, pull on his ears, and tail and he didn't care. She had a thing for dogs ears. She'd make them stand up, make them flop down or tuck them back like a pit bull. Aries looked at her like she was crazy when he met her.

'I think most of them did, but for some reason she got away it. Even grumpy Caesar didn't care. Maryse didn't care either.' Lyric was just something else. And I'm not sure how she did that, but she did it quite well. I nodded at that.

Lyric was in the back tucked in with Maryse who had her head in her lap letting her pet her. Since Derik was in human form. However he'd reach back and hold her hand every now and then as we sat in the car. The moon was rising in the sky.

The forest was lit up by it with no need for flashlights. Most of them either had night vision---- well could see in the dark or were accustomed to the dark. I was very accustomed to the dark. 'Yeah you don't take flashlights much with you anymore either.'

That's because a flashlight alerted your target that you were there. And that just made things more complicated because then they'd run and then you'd have to run after them. And that just gets exhausting after awhile. I was typically out of breath at the end as I refused to give up on my target.

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