|Chapter 20|

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Smoke and fog billowed through the rented out mansion as the candlelight flicked amongst the orange lit walls. Adults in costumes littered the rooms, supernatural and human in various costumes. Heels clicking against the ground leaving echoes in the mansion Rory had rented.

Standing underneath the candlelight waiting for Isabella to show up and join me at this party. Tonight I was dressed up Aquaman upon Isabella's request. 'She decided to stick to the DC vibe, but she couldn't get any Harley Quinn outfits as she has them all.' Now we were waiting for her.

The rest were here. Orchid was dressed up as a witch to my surprise. Hat and all. Rory was behind Love close to grinding on in nothing but a pair of skinny jeans and an open leather jacket. What he was? I still haven't figured that out, but you know who cares.

I found Derik and Lyric in the corner making out. The two were dressed up from Game of Thrones, Daenerys and Drogo, I believe. Derik's hand was in Lyric's white wig trying to coax her closer as she tried not to get too wild. Even though Derik should of been a jack rabbit shifter.

'The two are so horny I swear.' I nodded at that as I looked around as the door opened and I watched as Isabella walked in. Her long black hair was done in curls at the end and she wore a Wonder Woman outfit as she came over.

"I thought Aquaman was married to Mera?" I asked as she came over. "He slept with Wonder Woman, although she's been with the most of the Justice League, but I wasn't dressing up as Mera. Orchid is the only redhead here, plus this outfit is better." Isabella said and I nodded at that.

"You do look nice in it." I said with a smile on my face. Isabella returned it. "I look hot." Isabella said pointing to the short skirt. 'Well she said it not us, so we can agree that Isabella looks hot and not get the looks from her.'

"You do look hot." I said and Isabella smiled as we walked off. Isabella was quick to snatch a candy before eating it. "Where's Derik?" Isabella asked. "Sucking Lyric's face off." I said pointing to them in their little corner. "What you have under this outfit?" I heard Derik asked.

"Lace." Lyric answered. 'This is the time that enhanced hearing sucks in situations like this where they are sex talking each other.' Lots were. It may not be a frat party but that didn't mean horny teens weren't here saying sexual nasty things to each other. Because they were.

Everyone was still horn and disgusting. They just were and it wouldn't change at any party. Isabella and I continued through the mansion as she led us over to Derik and Lyric and grabbed Derik's shoulder. He jolted and his eyes turned gold as he grabbed Isabella's wrist who laughed as did Lyric.

Derik rolled his eyes. 'It was a bit funny. He freaked out over something small like that.' I nodded at that. "Enjoying sucking each other's faces off?" Isabella asked with a smirk. "Very much, her lips taste like pumpkin pie." Derik responded with a smirk as Lyric blushed madly.

Once more Lyric and I were shaking our head at our boyfriend and girlfriend. The two began talking. "So how has your day been?" I asked and Lyric looked at me a bit startled that I was talking to her. "Why are you talking to me?" Lyric asked and I tilted my head in confusion.

"You don't talk to me much." Lyric said tugging at Derik's clothing. "Lyric sweetie, people can talk to you. Dalton doesn't bite. . . much." Derik said with a smirk making Lyric glare at him. Derik laughed as I shook my head. He was implying at our werewolf nature.

'Lyric is a sweet girl and everything, but I have no desire to sink my teeth into her. That's more of Aki and Derik's job.' I nodded at that. Derik wrapped an arm around Lyric. "Nice costume." Isabella said looking at Lyric who smiled at that before leaning into Derik.

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