|Chapter 33|

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Explaining to Storm was hard. So we simply put him in the car and Dalton called some pack members to take care of the infirmary as we drove off to my place. Storm was surprisingly quiet his chocolate brown eyes taking in his surroundings.

'It's unusual for me to be nervous, but I can't help but be a bit nervous with how quiet he is. Like he's thinking something over before he speaks.' Storm had been quiet since we left the infirmary that had been trashed. Biting my lip I tapped my fingers on the window.

The only thing I had texted was that I had someone that we needed to talk to. Telling them that my uncle awoke in a text wasn't exactly ideal. It didn't take Dalton long to arrive in front of my house which had numerous cars parked in front as I stepped out with Maryse.

Storm got out his eyes shifting the house before he followed behind me as I opened the door and went in. In the kitchen everyone was sitting as I thought about how to announce it. Ryne's similar chocolate brown eyes met mine as he came over with a glass.

"What's going o-"

And the glass slipped from his hand and shattered when Storm walked in. 'An appropriate reaction no doubt, I doubt anyone thought Storm would be coming in.' Ryne stared at Storm who watched him as did Enyr before Ryne was hugging Storm.

Enyr was right behind him. Storm didn't really move much but gave them a half hug. "He's awake?" Orchid asked. "Yeah, worst time to wake up though." I said. Orchid tilted her head. "He woke up just as we killed the mutated werewolves." I said as Danielle watched me. "You found them?" Danielle asked.

"Yes they were trying to kill Storm, no doubt as an attempt to cut our information." I said and Danielle nodded. 'Sounds like something logical to do. Cut the information and then they have to find something else, typical war tactic.' I bit my lip as I sat down as Storm looked at me.

"Storm, it's nice to see you awake." Danielle said standing up. "My husband is on his way, he had to get out of work." Danielle said taking charge. All Storm was did nod as Dalton slipped past him and went over to Andrew as Storm looked at the room of people.

And then he looked at me studying my eyes as I bit my lip unsure of what he was doing. 'Well you do have those silver swirls that weren't there in 2016 when he last saw you.' I bit my lip as Storm ran a hand through his hair.

"So you died?" Storm asked and I went still, everyone did. "What?" I asked. "You died, it's why there is silver swirls in the eyes, you can only become an immortal by dying." Storm said confirming that he did know quite a lot about immortals, just what we needed.

'Looks like you now got that advantage that you were in desperate need for. Storm knows a lot about the immortals no doubt. Now to get some more information out of him.' I watched Storm as he raised an eyebrow at me waiting for an answer and I sucked in some breath.

"An ancient hellhound stabbed me through the heart." I told him and Storm nodded. "Took long enough." Storm said. "What?" I asked. "You Isabella know nothing about the immortals for sure, your walking blind in this world." Storm said and I watched him as I adjusted in my seat.

'Which is why you need him, because we all are pretty much walking blind in this world.' I nodded at that. "How about we talk alone." Storm said and I nodded at that standing up and brushing some hair from my face and nodding. I gave Dalton a look and he nodded at me.

'Now to go deal with learning about all the immortal business that Storm happens to know.' I smiled and brushed some hair from my face. And with that I followed after Storm up to the guest room before we sat down and he looked at me.

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