|Chapter 3|

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"Isabella dinner is ready." Angel said cracking open the door. "What is for dinner?" I asked Angel. "I made some lasagna and stuffed chicken parmesan with some cheesy garlic bread." Angel said and I nodded about that as Angel turned around to get the plates ready.

'All of that sounds quite delicious in my opinion. All this human food tends to be quite good now doesn't it.' 'Yeah it makes me happy knowing that I get to eat this food.' Shutting the sketchbook I went into the kitchen with Maryse trailing behind me.

Angel was in the kitchen serving up our food on the plates. She put a big helping of lasagna on each plate and then the stuffed chicken patty and two pieces of garlic bread. I took a seat at the table as Angel brought the plates over to us and sat down next to me.

'That really does look good. Times like this are why I am happy that you are my vessel.' All I could do was crack a smile as Angel set down a fork before sitting in front of me as Maryse went to go eat her food.

"So what have you been doing all day?" Angel asked. "I spent some time helping Dalton find a hobby." I told Angel. "Any luck?" Angel asked. "Actually yes, Dalton is scrapbooking, his eyes lit up when he saw everything. He started his first scrapbook when I was over there and I was helping him." I told Angel who nodded.

"Scrapbooking is taking photos and putting them in books right and writing things down?" Angel asked and I nodded at that. 'Well seems Angel is learning a bit more about the human side of life.' That she was. Biting my lip I continued eating my food.

"Nico and I went out on a run." Angel said and I nodded at that. "The vampires and Damien are gone." Angel said. "Not surprised, Damien said if I didn't agree to work with him he would sit back and watch the show, he is no doubt trying to do that now." I told Angel.

'Drawing back to see what is going to be down. Sitting down wherever he may be sipping the blood that he enjoys.' He was probably mad I didn't go with him, but I didn't care. I didn't need to follow anyone or work for anyone.

Damien can tell me all he wants about Lucian and him coming after me. But in my opinion Lucian Corbin; a werewolf would be a lot easier to take on then a vampire. Werewolves were something I was quite associated with at this point. Compared to vampires I knew werewolves a lot better than them.

'Yeah and that helps you a lot on all your jobs. And of course now when you were put to a choice like this where it is life or death.' I nodded at that. Angel bit her lip.

"Do you think Lucian Corbin is actually going to show up?" Angel asked. "Well according to Damien he's going to send people to test us. But this isn't Pexhar, if he sends someone to test us they're being sent back in a body bag telling him to stop being a coward." I told Angel who smiled just a bit.

'Yeah you've gone straight to don't fuck around with me unless you want to be in hell with the devil; me.' Yeah, but that's what could keep me alive. Don't take shift from anyone and anyone else who wants to try to kill me or use me should get the message.

It might of taken me about 2 years to handle Pexhar, but I learned a lot from that. And I'm not about to waste 2 years waiting for Lucian. Honestly if I could I would of searched out The First not waiting for Pexhar to come to me.

'That does sound like a good thing now that you don't think about it. But you know learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.' And I wasn't going to repeat the mistakes I made with Pexhar if Lucian Corbin decided to show up and mess with me.

He would get one exactly strike to test me if he really wanted to. But if he decided to be stupid and send out someone to 'test' me in his eyes he would end up with them back in a body bag. I wasn't playing games with anyone no matter the status they had.

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