|Chapter 8|

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So it seems we might have a problem on our hands. We might have some sort of turned werewolf on our hands. That thought didn't sit well with me as I wrote on the paper while sitting on my bed thinking about it.

'And Isabella said we should probably check it out before we get anyone all worked up over that.' I could see her point on that. But I could also see reasons on why we should not do that. But honestly it was Isabella's call on that. I had no plans to go behind her back.

The whole not freaking anyone out was something important. Werewolves have never been able to turn people. Enyr and Ryne just happened to carry the immortal gene which mutated when attacked by a werewolf during the whole attack on their house years ago by rogues.

'Which is pretty similar to what happened to Lucian when you think about it.' 'Except Lucian is what started the werewolf species it seems.' With this newfound piece of information so many things were going through my head as of right now. Just so many things when I thought about everything that was happening.

The likely hood of Lucian not having a mate was low. He has to have a mate somewhere in the world. Meaning the moon goddess took pity on him. Even I heard the stories of Lucian Corbin and his play in the beginning of the werewolf species.

'Yeah it's an interesting story when you take a moment to think about it. But when you really think about it concerning all the information we have learned over the course of the last months and Damien popping up lots of it makes sense on how realistic it happens to be.'

Damien Corbin and Lucian Corbin were the most competitive of the three. Both wanted the immortal status. Both dominant siblings. Then Damien was attacked by bats and Lucian a rabid demon-like wolf who turned him into that. Damien took a week to turn, Lucian the full moon. Damien disappeared when he turned on the hunt for blood.

Lucian killed on his way out in wolf form. The two spent time gathering up forces to kill each other and Michael no doubt. Which resulted in the immortal massacre which resulted in almost the entire immortal family being killed besides Michael who made a stand against his brothers before fleeing.

'And rumors say the three of them have hunted and each other throughout the time. So it makes sense on what Damien and Lucian are doing. What better advantage then an immortal.' And they were determined to get that advantage. To this day they were at each other's throats.

And it seems Lucian was sending out someone-- something to test Isabella. And he had no qualms on the way that he did it. He had sent some sort of beast out here no doubt to see what Isabella was capable of before he decided to come pay a visit.

'It seems lots of people like testing Isabella's strength, which really just tests her patience and pisses her off.' After spending two years of that she wasn't the most nice when it came to testing her. And that seems to be what Lucian was doing to Isabella. Testing her, but she was not going to be nice about it.

And if that thing wasn't from Lucian. Well we just got screwed over even more with having to find out where that thing came from. Either way it was a lose-lose situation. Damn. I really wanted a win-win situation in a time like this.

'But it seems fate does not want to be nice and give us that type of situation. Fate wants to be an asshole.' I nodded at that. Biting my lip I set down the notebook my mind going straight back to that thing in the woods and it passing by.

Then there was a knock at the door and Nico peeked in. "Dinner's done." Nico said. That was defiantly the distraction I needed at a time like this. Getting up I brushed out the wrinkles in my clothing before heading into the kitchen where Nico had cooked the food for us.

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