|Chapter 10|

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"So what was Isabella doing here at night?" Andrew asked I sat at the chair eating mac and cheese. "What do you mean?" I asked trying to play dumb with Andrew not wanting to share that sort of information. Sure Andrew was my twin.

'But some things you want to keep a secret to yourself.' I nodded at that. "Don't play coy with me Dalton, I can smell her pumpkin-cinnamon scent in here and on you." Andrew said giving me a look. "And I can smell Orchid's rosy magik scent on you." I said.

"Well no duh, Orchid and I do sleep in the same bed." Andrew said. "Speaking of Orchid, where is she?" I asked. "Running off to get some groceries, and don't even attempt to change the subject. What was Isabella doing here?" Andrew asked his tone with a bit more authority than before.

'It's always amusing to hear the alpha tones come out in Andrew. They rarely come out except around us as he knows we won't do anything.' Andrew was more of trying to force an answer out of us. Not trying to dominate us. It might of worked on a lower ranking wolf.

But Ash and I were nothing but alpha. "Maybe Isabella was here for me to have hot heated sex with." I said. "Unlikely. And look you admitted she was here." Andrew said and I rolled my eyes at him. Then proceeded to ignore him by eating my mac and cheese in the container.

"Ignoring me isn't going to get you off the hook." Andrew said and I let it go in one ear and out the other with a smirk. 'Seems to be working just fine as of right now.' 'Yes it works quite well if you keep to it and don't break it.' Ash smiled.

Andrew glared at me looking a bit of irritated at me as I smirked. I continued my eating my mac and cheese before finishing it. And then I stood up before throwing away he container of mac and cheese and glancing at Andrew who had his arms crossed against his chest.

The crystal blue eyes with golden flecks stared at me. Looking at Andrew was like looking in a mirror. 'Tends to happen since you two are identical twins.' I nodded at that. But still at times it could be freaky, but we had a few differences.

But Andrew looked annoyed on why I wasn't telling him about Isabella being here. "I'm not going to tell Nico, I just want to know why Isabella was here." Andrew said looking at me as I washed my hands before glancing at him once more.

"I invited her here."

Andrew watched me. 'And there goes the ignoring game as you decide to talk to him.' 'It's just a small slip of information for Andrew to chew on.' Andrew was now looking at his hands. I could see the gears in his brain working practically as he thought of why I would invite Isabella here.

Sure there were many reasons, but he also had another thing to think about. What would make Isabella come over here in the middle of the night. She made it clear that she needed her beauty sleep. And finding her sleep meds took her a nice effect of energy.

'But if she doesn't take her sleep meds, it's like she was possessed by a demon.' Which is why Isabella feel asleep and took her meds. She might as well of been drugs without her sleep meds. And once you woke her up from that sleep she was very cranky.

'Truth be told your lucky she even responded to the text message. She was probably having a rough sleep no doubt.' I nodded at that. "Did you have a nightmare?" Andrew asked and I didn't answer. Which honestly was an answer. I looked at the dirty dishes in the sink and bit my lip.

Lying and hiding things from your twin was practically impossible to do as they just know. And I knew this well. I knew when Andrew was lying and upset. And like he did I would call him out on it and make him tell me no matter what.

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