|Chapter 7|

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"You saw what?" I asked holding the charcoal pencil in my hand. "A werewolf. . . but it didn't look like one." Dalton said and I nodded. "Is that bad?" I asked watching Dalton as I set my sketchbook down halting my current drawing.

A woman done in triangles with designs all across them. 'Seems you were getting quite adventurous with your drawings once more.' 'More of I was bored and wanted to do something that I hadn't done before.' Satan nodded as I glanced back at the drawing in the sketchbook.

Since Halloween was approaching I did a day of the dead woman and the professor was making our things more Halloween themed. I made a pumpkin patch of acrylic paints on a canvas which was hanging on my wall. Man when I got home my walls would be covered in paintings.

'Seems to be your thing, covering walls in any sort of artistic design that you enjoy.' Yes it happened to be. "It wasn't a werewolf from here, it doesn't belong here. The woods are well known for the werewolf packs who known it, and it's hard to describe." Dalton said as Derik lingered outside my room with Lyric.

"Well lucky for you I have time so get to explaining." I told Dalton who nodded at that before taking a seat in one of the chairs in the room. Dalton sucked in some breath. 'You can see him thinking of ways on how he is going to tell you this in his eyes.' I nodded at that.

"Ok so it wasn't even in the form of a werewolf. From the glimpses I caught of it, it had shaggy fur and a messed up tail. And the way it ran was. . . off. And the scent of the werewolf. . ." Dalton trailed off.

Then he sucked in some breath. "The scent just wasn't right, it didn't smell of the woods. Every werewolf has that ground smell. The woods, the forest, nature." Dalton said. 'For some reason I feel like he is getting to something that no one is going to like.' So did I.

"Every werewolf has the scent of nature. Even a werewolf who lives in the city has the scent of nature, this werewolf didn't. It smelt of rot, sweat, and blood. I don't like it's scent." Dalton said and I nodded at that listening to him and every detail.

"And it's appearance was off as well?" I asked. Dalton nodded. "It almost reminded me of Enyr and Ryne's Lycan form, but more ugly and nasty." Dalton said. 'Well that is defiantly the icing on the cake now isn't it?' 'This is not going to go down well if it's what I think it is.'

"So it has a wrong scent and appearance of a werewolf." I said and Dalton nodded at that. "It was also taunting me but ran when I came after it, then Derik got there. He doesn't even have any idea of what to think of it." Dalton said.

'But you have an idea for sure, but it's not a nice idea if it's true and no one wants to confront that.' "I might have an idea." I said not liking having to say that. Sure most of the times having an idea was good except at a time like this.

"I'm all ears." Dalton said and I nodded at that. "Sounds a lot like a Lycan, but also not like one." I said and Dalton nodded that. 'I have a feeling on where you are going with this.'

"Damien mentioned that Enyr and Ryne's Lycan forms were similar to Lucian's. I doubt Lucian created the entire werewolf species, if he did your all inbred." I said. "Yeah." Dalton said. So it was safe to assume Lucian had help in creating the werewolf race.

'Oh this is not going to be good at the least bit, if you think it is true.' "Do you think Lucian can turn people?" I asked. "Werewolves can't turn people though." Dalton said. "But Lucian was the first werewolf, and Damien said you guys evolved from him." I said and Dalton nodded.

"Maybe when you evolved a millennium ago you lost the ability to turn. But Lucian might be turning people. Damien said he'd send people, what if this is his way?" I asked Dalton who sucked in some breath. His crystal blue eyes flickered gold for a moment as I watched him.

'And what I didn't want to happen is what you said. Of course, it sucks that I'm in hell at times and agreed to God's damn terms.' I nodded at that. The king of hell on my side would work a lot at times like this. It really would. 

"If this is his way, well we got quite the disaster on our hands if he can turn people." Dalton said and I nodded at that. "He could turn tons of people to try to get to us." I said and Dalton nodded at that as he looked where Derik was standing.

'And Derik stands there silent and brooding taking over what you said. Letting it bounce around and take it over some.' "Seems like a likely thing, Lucian is no doubt an alpha." Derik said coming in and Dalton nodded at that. "An alpha, the first alpha." Dalton said letting the idea roll around.

"Can you two take me to where you saw this thing?" I asked. "Yeah of course." Dalton said as Derik nodded as we got up. I geared up Maryse as back-up in case it decided to take a show. If it did there would be a hellhound waiting for it.

'Ready to tear into mutant werewolf flesh for it's troubles.' Getting my guns we went out to Dalton's truck and Derik got in the back as Dalton started up the truck which revved to life with ease as we sat back. And then Dalton was off.
"This is where I saw it." Dalton said stopping at a clearing and I nodded. I unhooked Maryse from her leash. "Go." I told her and Maryse went off to go secure the area for me as I came over and walked around the following area with Derik following me unarmed to my surprise.

We weren't expecting anything though. 'Just a harmless little search to see what is going on in this area.' 'And if something does show up, I got my pistols and Maryse, and Derik always has some sort of blade with him.' It was nailed into us since we began hunting training.

We never went anywhere unarmed. We were taught that from the moment we started training. Never go anywhere without some sort of a weapon, whether it be a firearm or a blade we were always armed no matter what happened we were always prepared. And I knew Derik had some sort of weapon on him.

And I had my pistols and my blade were equipped on me. My boots sunk into the dirt as I stopped near a tree. 'Well that is something interesting for sure seeing that on the tree. Makes me wonder if it was just taking a stroll or here to taunt.'

In the oak there were huge scratch marks engraved in it. I touched the bark running my hands through the scratch marks. "Could a werewolf do that?" I asked. "Well if they leaped up, but typically we can't scratch like that unless in human form and are forcing are claws out." Dalton said. Derik nodded at that in agreement.

'More proof pointing to an ugly truth that no one in this forest wants confront.' Lyric stood besides Derik holding onto his arm and he smiled affectionately at her. "That's nice to know." I said as Maryse trotted back and gave me a nod.

Area was now secured meaning this beast that had done this was no longer around which was good. That bastard wouldn't like what he'd becoming here to. I'd skewer it's ass and fill it with silver bullets as silver no doubt burned like a bitch, even for the first werewolf.

The likely hood of the silver being an evolution process was slim. 'Evolving typically means better and adjusting to the surroundings. Silver is not a good thing, not the least bit.' I moved through and stopped at a patch of upturned dirt before running a hand through my hair now stressed out.


Dalton looked at me. "That is defiantly not an ordinary werewolf." I said. The paw print was huge and formed weirdly. "We have something big on our hands." Was all I could make out knowing that something bad was coming our way. In the form of this beast of a werewolf in this town.

1450. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time werewolf marshmallows!

 Until next time werewolf marshmallows!

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