|Chapter 30|

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Thanksgiving was always a hectic time for most. All the food that had to be cooked in time to eat. The turkey, the sides, and all the pies that family gorged themselves on. Any diet was tossed out the window as everyone ate to their hearts content.

'Some believe they are thankful, but it typically ends after Thanksgiving.' Werewolves celebrated it, just a bit differently. The actual Holiday lasted 3 days, but times had changed so we didn't gain 30 pounds like that or missed work, but no one worked in the pack on Thanksgiving.

But the witches pulled barriers up everywhere during it as everyone went home. The alpha family always had their own as well as a pack one people could attend. My mom was always creative making so much food, starting the day before in the morning with the desserts and certain meats.

'She does get creative, but I don't complain, and it's best to stay out of the kitchen.' Isabella came over which brought all the hunters as well as Flimur. Gracie was playing with Summer who had gained some confidence and tried to play with all the big dogs.

Until they bounced at her and then she ran before going back in for more. It was cute. But the kitchen right now was my mom and Flimur's. We rarely went in there. Unless it was for drinks and avoiding them was mandatory. Like there was no other choice but to avoid them.

'By themselves they are bad, together it's even worse.' My mom hated being disturbed when cooking especially when doing Thanksgiving. And so did Flimur. Put together and it was absolutely terrible. None of our family from outside was coming over, but we did have some other friends coming over.

Alana and Kadan's family were coming over as well as Isabella's sides and of course my brothers mates. So my mom and Flimur were cooking up a storm with tons of meat being roasted, baked, and fried. Anything that they could get their hands on was being done, my mom even made homemade barbeque sauce.

Five bottles of it. It was sweet and spicy making it absolutely delicious. 'Mom does do tons of homemade food when it comes Thanksgiving, but homemade is always better anyway.' I nodded at that. By now most of the pies were done or chilling up in the big industrial fridge.

Flimur's eyes always lit up when he saw the industrial fridge. Right now Flimur was making candied yams while my mom was doing big things of homemade mac and cheese. From cheddar to white cheddar. All of the cheeses she had bought when into the mac and cheese and that was a lot of cheese.

'The mac and cheese is so cheesy and creamy, man do I love Thanksgiving.' A little thing us werewolves did was go on a run. The turkey my mom was making happened to be fresh since some wild turkeys flocked over to Greenburg and we hunted a few down.

Of course we were just getting Thanksgiving started. We still could hunt later tonight during the big run. Isabella still wasn't here, she had stopped at the store for my mom to pick up some eggnog for us to drink as she used the rest on tons of eggnog pie.

'And eggnog tends to complete Thanksgiving and any holiday during Eggnog season for sure. So Isabella is out getting some.' And now we were waiting for her. Everyone else was here. Even Alana and Kadan's family. Isadora was over with Isaac playing with some blocks and eating fruit.

My mom had set out some fruit for us to eat. And everyone had no problem scoffing it down. Derik was on the couch with an arm around Lyric who had taken a vine of grapes to share with him. My dad was far away from the kitchen, away from his crazy mate and my brother and I's crazy mom.

We all knew to evacuate when mom started making Thanksgiving or Christmas diner. 'And dad loves mom and isn't afraid until those Holidays roll around and then dad is quick out and to give her as much space when she cooks.' And I didn't blame him.

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