|Chapter 16|

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"Two fucking werewolves, that fucking bastard made two of them." Isabella said clenching her fist as we sat at the table. "We noticed." Derik said with irritation. "Of course there was two of them." Isabella said with a glare at the ground.

'I feel like we should of expected something that simple, but decided to overlook it.' 'Well we were just looking to kill it, so I can see why we overlooked it.' "I should of shot the fucking thing." Isabella said clenching her fists. I looked at Derik and decided he would be the best for this.

"Well now we know there are two, and when they appear again, we fill both of them with bullets." Derik said. Isabella nodded. "But we need a more stable plan on it than waiting for the full moon, it was a good one but they are obviously a lot smarter than we give them credit for."

I nodded at that. 'Was a good plan until those fuckers decided to ruin it. Seems they are smarter than we thought.' I nodded at that. Meant we needed to be smarter than they were. And we were going to be smarter than they were.

They couldn't be allowed to live. Nico came back in with some lasagna and came everyone some of it and then we all got a nice good slice of it. We ate the food in silence while thinking about the night that had gone wrong.

'Well we still have some good lasagna to eat so it didn't go all that wrong. . . and it's some homemade lasagna as well no less.' I nodded at that. Isabella seemed pissed knowing that those things really did exist and it wasn't just crazy imagination and the fact that they were walking around unharmed.

And they could go and hurt any human tonight, but they'd be stupid to do that. They had already poked the bear--- the immortal to be correct. It would be signing their death certificate if they decided to go hurt some innocent human out there after that shit.

And then it settled quite in my mind at that moment. 'I can't believe we didn't think of that before. Honestly that is common sense honestly.' I nodded at that as I stared at the lasagna feeling stupid that I didn't think of it before. Hopefully it was right.

They had human forms no doubt. And if we could find them we would have quite the advantage over them. Sure they knew our human forms, but they couldn't exactly use it against us. It's not like we kept our human forms secret with the supernatural world. With the human world, hell yeah.

But we didn't know their human form. 'But if we do we can track them down and confront them in human form, that is a good plan.' "What if we found their human selves and confronted them?" I asked and Isabella looked over at me. She then nodded at that.

"Does sound like a good idea, lets hope they have human forms and don't pull some Underworld shit." Isabella said and I nodded at that. Because if they did, well New York was defiantly not safe than at all. Not even the tad bit safe with a pair of mutated werewolves roaming the streets.

'That is just a disaster waiting to happen. So now we hope they have human forms and don't wander in the woods in the day all the time in that form.' I could already see it if they began snapping photos of those beasts, hell would break lose honestly.

Next thing we know the supernatural apocalypse would be happening or the supernatural coming out. And that would just be a disaster since everyone worked hard to keep this a secret. Back in the old days it was easier as there was no intense technology like there was now a days.

One button and it was uploaded. You could easily get rid of them back the. But it wouldn't work now as people shared and screen shot things. Which was why The Organization was so more advanced than society to stay ahead of the game and monitored every single site out there.

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