|Chapter 23|

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-13 years ago-

"Izzy baby." My head snapped up as I stopped on the drawing of the two. My eyes shifted over to my mother standing over in the doorway with my father standing next to her and arm wrapped around her hip.

Her soft brown eyes looked at my blue ones as she came. "Yes mommy?" I asked putting down the crayon. "What are you doing baby?" My mom said. "Drawing." I said looking at the two characters with both arms stretched out in furled in claws ready to attack each other.

"She does love drawing Maryse." My father said moving his red hair as he came in. My mom took a seat at the other side of my drawing table in my room as my father sat on the ground. "Enyr and Ryne are leaving this weekend." My mom said and I looked up.

"What for?" I asked. "They're going spend a night with Uncle Storm, well a weekend actually, so Izzy it'll just be you, me and daddy." My mom said with a grin. I nodded. "Do you have anything special you want to do just the three of us not annoying older brothers?" My mom asked.

That was one thing I loved my about my mother. She never forced Enyr, Ryne, and I to have a perfect relationship. She knew older brothers strived to be annoying since Uncle Storm was my dad's older brother and he strived to be annoying to him.

But I didn't know Uncle Storm all that much. I really didn't spend the night anywhere since I didn't want to. I just enjoyed staying at home with my mom and dad not having to worry about making friends. And I loved that. Just staying at home being spoiled rotten by my parents.

"Iz, how about we go out for ice cream tomorrow." My dad said. "Can we go to the one with the cups and toppings?" I asked my dad with a charming smile on and he returned it as did my mom.

"Of course Izzy, whatever you want to do tomorrow we'll go out and do. It's mommy, daddy, and Isabella's day out tomorrow."  My mom said and I smiled at that as I colored in the men's hair and my dad peered over my shoulder, his light chocolate brown eyes showing a bit of interest.

My parents always loved my drawings and would encourage me to continue. They even hung them up on the fridge in pride of my drawing skills. My mom told me I had a gift and to never give it up. At first I did it to impress my parents.

And then I began to enjoy it to the point I didn't even need them telling me to do it even more. Or any sort of encouragement. At such a young age I had already found my passion and I loved it so much. It was a delight drawing at times.

Being able to be free at such a young age and describe my feelings in a healthy way. "What are you drawing Iz?" My dad asked interest in his brown eyes and I looked at him before turning the picture around to him. "She's so talented."  My mom said admiring the picture.

"What is it, seems very detailed." My dad said with a smile. "A werewolf and vampire. Like what you punish when they're bad." I told my dad and he smiled just a bit at that. "You have a creative imagination Iz, but that's not what a werewolf looks like." My dad said.

It stood on two legs with claws out as the vampire fought it. "What do they look like then?" I asked. "Elegant wolves in a way. Large wolves, they're beautiful just like a wolf, but a wolf has natural instincts to attack and defend their territory." My dad said and I nodded.

"A werewolf has both instincts, that of a wolf and a human. They are intelligent creatures for sure. Not one to mess with if they aren't a rogue. And not all vampires and werewolves are enemies." My dad said and my mom nodded at that in agreement.

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