|Chapter 12|

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A full moon and a beast. That's what we had to look forward to on the full moon, having to deal with that beast. But I had a good feeling about the full moon and defeating the beast that was here in NYC in our woods.

'Yes, we're going to kick it's ass all around until it's begging for mercy but will be given none. It chose it's path.' I smiled at that before looking back down at my notes. Next week was our fall exams. And then I had a few days off and then I'd be back to school.

I bit my lip as my eyes scanned over the notes before I set them down and got up. Going into the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water and then a packet of Cheez-Its; Colby Jack before I went back to the room.

Sitting down I opened the water and took a sip of it before leaning back to let my eyes drift over the paper while biting my lip. 'Notes seem dull compared to everything going on.' 'But eventually things will end, and forcing ourselves to endure this with all of the chaos will pay off.'

Because when everything ends our life will start and we can start it and not worry about college after that. My eyes drifted over the words taking it in as I ate baked cracker by baked cracker savoring the taste of the cheese as Nico came in with Angel.

"Come on Angel." Nico said disappearing into his room as I sat there getting bored. As soon as the first moan came I finished up my cheese crackers and put my notes away before I was out the door and going to Isabella's dorm and knocked on it and Isabella called me in.

'At least here there isn't any moans to listen to. Just the smell of paint.' Isabella was sitting in the kitchen with an easel working on the girl in the wolf pelt. Gentle strokes against the canvas before she looked back over at me and smiled just a bit.

"What's up?" Isabella asked. "Angel and Nico were starting to get into it." I said and Isabella nodded looking a bit grossed out. "You can stay here for a bit." Isabella said and I smiled at that. Isabella went back to painting her eyes focused in on the painting.

'She does make very nice paintings, that is one thing for sure.' "Is that just a personal painting or for school?" I asked. "School, we're covering my favorite topic finally." Isabella said with excitement in her voice and I smiled at that. Because fantasy and dark drawings did seem to be her favorite topic for sure.

And she was now getting to do it for her school work. I smiled as I sat next to Isabella who went on to painting. "So what are you having for dinner?" I asked Isabella. "Burger King started it's cheesy tots, I'm going to go there for dinner, want to come with?" Isabella asked.

I of course nodded at that.  'Burger King does sound nice for today, some good ole greasy food and of course some cheesy tots.' I nodded at that, they were good as well.

Isabella finished up some of her painting before up she went and geared up Maryse before grabbing her wallet as she stood up. "My car." Isabella said to my surprise but I didn't argue with her on that and out the door we were to her mustang and off to Burger King.
Isabella's eyes lit up when the cheesy tots came and I smiled just a bit at that. 'It's cute how much Isabella likes her cheesy tots, they make her day. They really do.' I nodded at that as Isabella was quick to dive into them as well as her crispy chicken sandwich.

"The full moon is coming up." I commented holding my Whopper in my hand. Isabella nodded. "I got a shipment of ammo coming in. So I'll be loaded." Isabella said with a smile on her face and I nodded at that. I was a bit nervous about the full moon but I tried not to show it.

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