Chapter 1

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"Harper!" I heard my dad yell from the bottom, I mentally groaned but nonetheless reluctantly got up to see what the ruckus was about.

I swiftly walked down the stairs, because I am extremely clumsy. You don't even want to know how many times I have fractured my ankle.

I reached the stairs and saw that my dad was chilling on the couch, I coughed for his attention and he turned to look at me and smiled lazily.

"Can you get me a beer sweetheart?" He asked sweetly, but I'm sorry dad this is not going to work on me I'm your daughter for god's sake!

"Seriously dad?" I told him unbelievably, he sighed and motioned me to come to sit next to him. I walked towards him and folded my arms.

"Fine I'm sorry just don't tell your mother," he said and I giggled. I raised an eyebrow at him teasingly.

"On one condition," he looked intrigued before slowly nodding, "I get to cook dinner tonight." He widens his eyes, but then let out a breath.

"Okay just don't burn the house down. Now go upstairs, I want to watch the game in privacy," He shooed me away as I listened to him.

I walked up the stairs to find my twin brother Hayden and his best friend, Neil sprawled out on the floor upstairs.

I raised an eyebrow at them and they glanced at me before jumping on their feet, "We're bored Harp! Come on," Hayden said as I glared.

"How many time do I have to tell you guys, I am not a musical instrument!" I whined, but they just rolled their and Neil grabbed my wrist pulling along with them.

"Let me go!" I tried to pry his fingers off me, but did it work? Nope, but it was worth a try. As I looked up we entered Lee and Leos room, the scariest place!

"What the fu- oh it's you, children," Lee said staring at us as we waltz in. Leo and Aaron smirk when they see me.

"Just the girl I wanted to see," Aaron said smiling, I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't even notice Hayden lock the door.

I crossed my arms, "What do you all want?" I said trying to act brave, but of course, I lose it when I noticed everyone in the room can tower over me.

"Ooh, the big girl trying to use big girl words?" Lee smirked, I huffed because since I'm the youngest, of course, I get babied the most.

"Anyways we need you to get something from Drake and Conner's room," Leo told me and I shook my head hastily.

"No way! Conner is always in a grumpy mood and so is Drake, they make might kill me!" I said whispering the last line.

"We care because...?" Aaron said trailing off, I slumped and shook my head denying this stupid mission.

"Really? You want us to gang up on you?" Leo taunted while smirking, I look around and everyone has their arms crossed.

You probably don't know this about me but I am terrified of all my brothers, which sucks because I'm the youngest and shortest.

I sighed in defense, "Fine! I'll do your stupid task, what am I looking for?" I asked the twins, they glanced at each other before answering.

"My headphones, and his phone," they told me. I then thought that they could easily gang up on Drake and Conner since their both younger, but of course, my brothers are too lazy.

I turned and dashed for the door which was unlocked, and even though Drake and Conner are younger than Lee and Leo they scare me the most for some odd reason.

I got to their door and knocked lightly on it, unfortantly the door swung open fast and reavealed Conner.

"What?" He asked rudely, I flinched from his tone. This is why I'm scared of them the most.

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