Chapter 18

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A/N: Just listen to the song while reading. (If you can at least!)


D A Y 2

I was walking peacefully to the kitchen when suddenly someone jumped out and scared the socks off me!

"What the hell? Neil!" I screeched as he grinned.

"That's right. The one and only," he said proudly and I rolled my eyes and shoved past him.

"Whatcha doin' Harp?" He asked annoyingly. I huffed and opened the fridge.

"Aw c'mon. Don't ignore your favourite brother," he said shoving my shoulder. I looked back and raised an eyebrow.

"You're not my brother," I stated matter-of-factly and he instantly frowned.

"Don't say that again Harp. I mean it," he said grimly. I always wondered why they hated when I say that. I mean I get it, we have been around each other for our whole lives, but they tease me so much! I sighed and shook my head but as I turned around he put his hand on my shoulder and spun me around.

"Say I'm your brother," he said firmly with a harsh expression on his face. I shuddered and nodded my head.

"You're my brother, I'm your sister and I'm sorry," I said shakily and he promptly lit up and smiled.

"That wasn't hard, now was it?" He asked teasingly and I rolled my eyes but still a little cautious. My brothers can be really scary when they want to be, not only are they intimidating towards others, but me too. 

"Whatever," I said turning back to the fridge. I pulled out some leftovers from last night, heated it up, and ate it on the kitchen island.

After I was done eating I sat on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. I switched to Netflix and started watching 'Jessie.'

"Yo, what's on little one?" I heard Drake say from behind me, before jumping over the couch and landing next to me.

"Ugh, boring," he said stretching out boring. He grabbed the remote from my hand and switched it to a TV show I didn't know.

"Hey! Go watch TV in your room!" I said snatching the remote from him and putting it under my butt.

He gave me a disgusted look, "You're glad I'm not Matthew who's desperate enough to go under there." I felt my cheeks heating up.

"That's so gross Drake!" I bellowed at him and he rolled his eyes before getting up and disappearing into the kitchen.

I decided to listen to music so I got up and went to the kitchen table to look for my earbuds and I saw them. I grasped them and plugged them into my phone.

I put on 'Roses' by The Chainsmokers. I know, I know what you're thinking. Just because it was released three years ago, doesn't mean it's a good song. I do this thing where I listen to a song and play it every single time. 

I didn't even realize that I started singing out loud since I was so into the music. I just thought no one was in the room, so I started singing.

When the song ended, I took out my earbuds but when I stood up I turned around to see the twins, Aaron, and Noah gawking at me.

I jumped, "What? Is something wrong?" 

"No... It's just your voice," Aaron said and I gave them a confusing look.

"What do you mean?" I asked. They exchanged looks before staring back at me.

"Have you ever listened to yourself singing?" Noah asked warily, and I shrugged.

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