Chapter 31

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"Mom went to go meet dad at the hotel," Hayden told me. I nodded.

It was the next day now and mom apparently left to go to the hotel. I'm a little worried for her but she said it's going to be fine. I have to shower today, but I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about my bruise. I guess I have to sneak over to mom's room.

Once I was done, I put on my clothes, didn't blowdry my hair since I'm too lazy to do that, and left the room. I opened my door, face down, speed-walking to my mom's room. Though, I'm too late.

I bumped into someone, making me fall. I kept my head down, trying to let my hair fall over my face.

"Oh my god. Harp, look where you're going next time," it was Aaron. I struggled to get up but did it anyway. I could just feel Aaron staring at weirdly.

"Why are you looking down?" He asked. I gulped, stuck on what to say.

"No reason," was my amazing response. I heard him tsk.

Suddenly, I saw his hand by my face. I grabbed it quickly. He was trying to lift up my head.

"I said there's no reason Aaron," I protested. I stepped aside, trying to get to my mom's room but he grabbed my arm, twirled me around quickly, making my hair flip back.

His jaw flew open and his eyes went wide. I wasted no time in grabbing his hand and pulling him to Hayden's room.

He wasn't hard to pull since he was too shocked about my face. Once we got to Hayden and Neil's room, I opened the door and slammed it shut.

Neil and Hayden whipped their heads at us. Aaron was still staring at my face when I suddenly snapped my fingers in his face, making him blink.

"Harper, what the hell happened to your face? It's uglier than usual," he said and I did a double take on what he said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, crossing my arms. He pursed his lips and I could tell he was trying to fight back a smirk. I rolled my eyes and shoved him away from me.

"Harper, what is wrong with you? You do realize that we can get into trouble now," Neil said watching Aaron.

"That's the point. Aaron, can you keep a secret?" I asked staring at him intently. He shifted a little before slowly nodding.

That's when I explained everything to him. Like the time I explained what happened to Jade, that's how. At the end when I was finished, he was utterly speechless.

"Wha? So, what you're saying is... that you got punched by Zane, you kicked Daniel and you kicked Nelson?" He said slowly. We all looked confused but then understood he was probably talking about the other two that were with Daniel.

"Yeah," I said nervously, "so we need you to keep that a secret from everyone. I don't want to ruin Noah's friendship with them, even though their assholes. You can't even tell the twins."

He was quiet at first until he eventually sighed, "Alright. Fine, I'll do it. Only for you three though, and anyway, when are you going to tell them?"

"When it heals, duh," I say. He rolls his eyes and walks over to the door, opens it, and closed it behind him.

I sighed and plopped down on the bed next to Hayden, "Can one of you go to mom's room to get me her makeup?"

Neil was about to say something until... the door opened, "Hey guys dinner's ready now-,"

Lucas stopped midway to stare right at me. Of course, it had to be Lucas, he's the biggest tattle tail here!

"What the hell, Harper?" He said. He raced over and touched my face, then turned to Neil and Hayden to glare.

"Did you idiots hit her?" He asked and both Hayden and Neil did a double take, looking offended.

"No! Why would we hit our sister?" Neil asked and Lucas stared at him for what felt like a minute but was only for thirty seconds.

"Then who hit you? Let's go tell everyone," he said and I widen my eyes. Shaking my head frantically, I wave my hands around.

"No Lucas, it's fine. I-," he cut me off by picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Hayden and Neil reacted fast and tried to get me off of him, but it was no use.

What did I do to deserve this?



A/N: Woah, what do you think of this chapter? What was your favourite part? I liked when Aaron insulted Harper, it was kind of funny.

Sorry, I'm cruel. What do you think is going to happen next? Will Harper, Hayden and Neil be able to convince Lucas not to tell everyone?

 What do you think is going to happen next? Will Harper, Hayden and Neil be able to convince Lucas not to tell everyone? ♡

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