Chapter 27

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"Mom, dad!" I squealed running towards her and dad. They weren't even a step into the house when I heard the door open and close.

They both laughed as I hugged them, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I missed you guys so much!" I said into their shoulders. 

"Sweetie it wasn't that bad... right?" Mom asked cautiously and I nodded my head quickly.

"You have no idea," I muttered and dad chuckled.

"Boys!" He shouted and after a while, the whole room was filled.

They hugged them individually. I smiled softly at the family reunion, then mom and dad went to their rooms with Noah. They both decided for Noah to sleep with the twins and Aaron.

I went up to their rooms to check on them, so I opened the door as quietly as possible. My heart warmed at the sight of them. I saw them laying together in bed, watching a movie, while my dad played with my mom's hair.

 I got really bored just staying in my room I decided to go out for a walk. Though, it looked pretty dark so I went to Hayden's room.

I burst through the door since my brothers don't knock on my door why should I? Hayden's and Neil's head snapped over to my direction as they paused their game.

"What's up Harp?" Hayden asked. I pursed my lips.

"You guys wanna go for a walk?" I asked, hoping they'd say yes. They looked like they were about to say no until they say my sad eyes and sighed.

"Sure," Neil said taking off his headset. Same with Hayden, and they both stood up and told me to wait downstairs so they could change.

I rolled my eyes, they are such girls. I'm still in basketball shorts and a huge hoodie and didn't bother to change.

I walked downstairs in a peaceful manner, and I saw the twins, Aaron, and Noah on the couch watching a horror movie.

I actually like watching people react to horror texts, videos, and short films but I don't like watching horror movies, it's kind of weird.

Lee made eye contact with me and nodded. I nodded back and went to the kitchen. After about few minutes, Neil and Hayden came down the stairs.

"Let's go," Hayden said swinging his arm around my shoulder. I tsked and pushed it off me.

"Don't do that. You pulled my hair," I said. We were about to open the door until Noah called out to us.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" He asked crossing his arms. This caught the others attention as Hayden, Neil and I groaned in unison.

"We're just going out for a walk. Don't worry about it," Neil said but Aaron gave him a look.

"Who said? For all we know you guys could be lying and are instead going to a party," he said giving us a glare. I rolled my eyes.

"Really? Ya think I'll go to a party dressed in this?" I asked, motioning to my outfit. They exchanged looks before shrugging.

"Exactly, and for your information, we're fourteen," I said pulling the door open and letting Hayden and Neil go first and as I was about to leave Noah yelled out something.

"Be careful! Be back in ten minutes," he said and I nodded.

I closed the door and we walked to the park, closest to our house. We were just making stupid jokes, laughing, and talking. It felt good to just let loose.

We got to the park but as we did, we saw three teenage boys, looking around the age of Noah and let me tell you, they did not look like good news. I gulped and Hayden and Neil saw, while Neil swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Let's just go the other way," he whispered to the both of us and we nodded. We all turned around and began walking until someone shouted out to us.

"Hey! What are ya'll kids doin' here?" Neil and Hayden cursed while I winced at the voice, we all began to walk faster but apparently, we weren't fast enough.

Neil yelped and instantly he wasn't beside me anymore, same with Hayden. Panic rose up in my chest as I turned around. There were two guys holding Hayden and Neil by their collars. 

"Let them go!" I screamed. All three of their heads whipped towards mine, and simultaneously their mouths turned into a creepy smirk. 

The guy who wasn't holding either Hayden or Neil, let out a low wolf whistle as he started checking me out. I just about gagged as Hayden and Neil struggled to get out of their holds.

This isn't going to end well.



A/N: Holy crap! Someone, quick, blow the damn pervert whistle! Wait, I just made that up, I mean the freaking rape whistle! 

What do you think is going to happen? I know what's going to happen because I thought of it. These three teenage boys are actually going to be new characters to the story.

I mean, I'm pretty sure you all hate them already.

I'm making two chapters today since I missed a few days posting. Sorry about that!


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