Chapter 2

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I was just sleeping peacefully when all of sudden somebody grabs my arms and legs, and I'm lifted into the air.

My eyes shot open and I see Conner holding onto my ankles and Drake holding my wrists, they're just smirking at me.

"Morning Harp," Conner says and he and Drake start to walk. I don't know where they're taking me, but I don't want to know either.

"We're going to pay your twin a little visit," Drake told me. I just rolled my eyes not bothering to say anything.

We entered Hayden's room but my head banged against the door since it kind of closed.

"Ow!" I whine, Conner and Drake literally threw me on Hayden's bed. Neil is spinning on the desk chair, while Hayden was sitting on his bed.

I glared at all of them, "What do you idiots want?"

"Watch it, Harp, we can beat you right here right now," Neil smirks, as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Shut up Neil," I demanded, he smirked.

Conner snorted, "Acting like a big girl now huh?" I just scowled at him.

"Leave me alone! I want to go back to my room!" I whined, they just laughed in my face.

"Shut it shorty," Drake told me, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not even that short, idiot," I exclaimed. He raised an eyebrow at me.

Okay, just to clear things up I am not short. I'm 5'5 which is average I guess, but all my brothers call me short just to bother me. Hayden, Conner and Neil are at least 5'11, Drake is probably at 6'0, and Lee, Leo, and Aaron are the tallest at 6'4.

"Anyways," Conner said, "why were you in my room yesterday?" He told me while smirking.

"Oh you know, just got lost," I answered and mentally face-palmed because of that excuse.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure that you told me that dad was calling me, but when I got down he said he wasn't." I looked down on the floor.

I sighed and gave in, "Lee and Leo wanted their things back, so they asked me to do it because their too lazy to do anything in life!" Hayden and Neil snickered.

Conner rolled his eyes and pointed to the door, "Leave."

"Gladly," I replied sarcastically but before I left I turned to them once more, "this isn't your room by the way."

I went down the stairs to see Lee, Leo and Aaron on the couch. As I was walking to the kitchen, Aaron stopped me.

"Hey, Harp." He said I glared at him because everyone in this household knows that I hate the nickname.

"Hi Aaron," I told smugly, as the twins watched in amusement.

"So," Lee started, "we heard you got kidnapped this morning." I looked at him confused but then knew what he meant.

"How do you know?" I asked them, Lee just glanced at Leo before answering.

"Drake told us." Leo finished, I just stared at them but then got bored so I turned but as I did I ran smack into a chest.

I look up to see my evil twin smiling at me, "Watch where you're going next time, Harp."

"Well don't stand so close to me then!" I whined, he just rolled his eyes.

I tried to run away but my luck is not on point today, "Where do you think you're going?" Hayden had a strong grip on my shirt.

"To Mars," I told him while glaring, I heard the twins and Aaron snicker behind me.

"Can you guys help me?" He asked the buffoons behind me, they smirked at me and nodded.

"No! Don't listen to him, this isn't fair!" I told them while struggling, Leo came up to me and pinned me down on the couch.

"Stop, get off me you fatty!" I groaned and heard Hayden and Lee chuckle.

"I'm not fat! You are." Leo retorted, I huffed.

"Nice comeback stupid," I smirked, but then he started jabbing his finger in my sides which made me squeal.

"I want to know who your favourite brother is Harp," he said while doing that smirk.

"Fine! You're my favourite," I said quietly. He smiled and let me up as I shoved him out of the way.




Sorry for the short chapter!

That's it for this chapter.

See you all later! 🖤

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