Chapter 19

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I was just reading my book peacefully when suddenly it was broken.

Someone barged into my room with a loud thud. I screamed and sat up while looking around frantically.

"What's up, Harp?" Leo said throwing my book and letting it swiftly land in Aarons' hand.

"Hey! What was that for? Give it back Aaron!" I exclaimed, annoyed. Aaron threw it at Lee who caught it nicely, and soon this became a game of monkey in the middle.

He snorted, "Yeah, like that's going to happen." I glared before running to Lee and jumped up to get my book. I sighed.

"This was a bad idea," I muttered and Lee looked confused.

"What do you-," before he could finish that question, I kicked him right in his 'area.' Lee groaned and dropped the book before, himself, falling to the ground.

I picked up my book and narrowed my eyes at my other two brothers, they backed away, and I smiled before leaving my room, feeling accomplished.

I knocked on Hayden's room and after a while, the door opened to reveal a shirtless Neil. I covered my eyes and dropped my book.

"Cover that up! Were you sleeping?" I asked and I heard him chuckle. 

"Yeah, why not?" He asks, and his voice was a little raspy. I heard him cough a little.

"Dude, who sleeps at like 5 in the morning?" I ask and I slowly uncover my eyes and sigh when I see he has a sweater on.

"Awesome people. Duh," he said like it was obvious. I rolled my eyes.

"You're so full of yourself. Where's Hayden?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I think he said something about meeting a friend. He should be here in about 5 seconds," Neil said.






We heard the door open and close. I looked at Neil as if he just burst.

"How did you...?" I asked trailing off. He shrugged once again.

"He's my best friend, and since we've been in the same house for most of our lives, I now know what he thinks," he explained and squinted my eyes at him.

"That's sounds really-," I was about to say stupid but I got cut off Hayden's annoying voice.

"Yo, what's up losers?" He asked and smiled at Neil but then stuck his tongue out at me. 

"The only loser here is you," I stated smirking. I stuck my hand out for Neil to high-five but they just stared at me. I coughed awkwardly and started scratching my head.

"What were you guys talking about?" Hayden asked and started walking into his room, Neil and I trailed behind as I closed the door.

"Well," I began as I cut off Neil who was about to talk, "I came here since I just kicked Lee in the area since they were teasing me. Now I'm here to hide."

They looked at each other and slowly backed away and covered their crotches as I rolled my eyes, "I said to hide not to torment you two."

"Whatever," said Hayden as he flopped down onto his bed. Neil turned to me.

"Do you really think they're gonna hunt you down?" He asked and I shrugged pathetically.

"Who knows? I'm just hiding just to make sure," I said and he nodded.

"The first place you came is here?" Hayden asked.

"Well yeah, why not? I mean you're my twin," I stated the obvious and he rolled his eyes.

"Really, Harp? You should know better than that. Remember, whenever the twins get mad at one of us, they get mad at the two of us," he told me.

As much as I don't like admitting it, he's right. The twins always thought that since we're twins they think we are the same person. I take that as an insult, because, I mean we're talking about Hayden here! So whenever they get mad at me, they get mad at Hayden too. It works the opposite way also.

Before I could say anything the door burst open and revealed a fuming Lee.

I widen my eyes, "O-oh hey Lee... How's it going?"

"Cut the crap Harp-," and before he could finish that sentence I ran past him and down the stairs.

This will be a long chase.


◽N O T | E D I T E D◽

A/N: Hey! How was that? Hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks for reading!

I have a lot of things due this and next week. I have an S.S quiz this Thursday and a Science test next week Thursday! Kill meh! ._.

That's it for this chapter. See you all later! 🖤

 See you all later! 🖤

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